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来源: 编辑: 人气:959 时间:2017-08-02

  厄瓜多尔《快报》11月30日报道,俄罗斯石油公司Rosneft有意未来在厄石油领域投资,特别是参与太平洋炼厂项目的建设。该项目是厄政府投热塑性弹性体资目录中的重要项目,今年秋季,厄外贸部长坎帕纳利用出访中国、美国、俄罗斯、欧盟国家的机会进行过大力推介。外贸部近期发布公告,表示Rosneft已向厄方表达参与项目的兴趣,Rosneft是俄罗斯石油巨头,由俄国有公司JSC Rosneftegaz控股,主要进行石油开采、加工和销售,石油产品出口至加拿大、美国、巴西、意大利等国。

Rosneft intends to participate in the construction of the Pacific refinery in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian Express newspaper reported on November 30 that Rosneft, the Russian oil company, intends to invest in Ecuadorian oil industry in the future, especially in the construction of the Pacific refinery project. This project is an important project of the Eritrean investment directory. This fall, Ecuador's Minister of Foreign Trade Campana made great efforts to promote his visit to China, the United States, Russia and the European Union. The Ministry of Foreign Trade recently issued a public notice stating that Rosneft had expressed its interest in participating in the project. Rosneft is a Russian oil giant controlled by the Russian company JSC Rosneftegaz and mainly engaged in petroleum exploration, processing and marketing. Petroleum products are exported to Canada, the United States, Brazil , Italy and other countries.


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