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甲醇价格飙出三年新高 多家公司业绩走高

来源: 编辑: 人气:799 时间:2017-08-02

  凯茵化工讯 讯 据道琼斯11月30日消息,俄罗斯卢克石油公司周四表示,公司已就俄罗斯Nizhny Novgorod炼油厂内新建延迟焦化联合体项目作出好终投资决定,公司已经签署编制相关技术文件的合同。





Lukoil plans to build a refinery project

KAY Chemical News According to Dow Jones Nov. 30, the Russian Lukoil said on Thursday that it had made the final investment decision regarding the construction of a new delayed coking coal complex in the Nizhny Novgorod refinery in Russia. The company has signed the compilation of relevant Technical document contract.

Lukoil said the company plans to set up a new delayed coking unit, a diesel hydrotreating unit, a natural gas fractionation unit, sulfur and hydrogen production units, and other infrastructure.

Lukoil said the consortium has a design capacity of 2.1 million tons / year. Lukoil added that the consortium's construction and related operational optimization will increase the refinery's light-oil product yield by more than 10% and will reduce its fuel oil production by 2.7 million tons / year.

Lukoil said the consortium is expected to be completed and put into production by 2021.


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