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来源: 编辑: 人气:924 时间:2016-04-01

  凯茵化工讯 11月9日,在中国国家主席习近平和美国总统特朗普的共同见证下,美国乙烷公司与南山集团就进口美国乙烷签署贸易合同。这是我国进口美国乙烷的S单合同。

  据美国乙烷公司CEO John Houghtaling介绍,此次美国乙烷公司与南山集团签订的是20年长约CIF(到岸价)合同。根据合同,美国乙烷公司将每年向南山集团供应260万吨乙烷,并参与投资南山巴斯夫造纸助剂集团规划的200万吨/年乙烷制乙烯项目。




China and the United States Sign the First Ethane Import Contract

Kailin Chemical News On November 9, witnessed witness by Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Trump, the American ethane and Nanshan Group signed a trade contract for the import of American ethane. This is the first contract that China imported to the United States. According to John Houghtaling, CEO of American ethane company, the contract between Ethane Company and Nanshan Group is 20-year CIF contract. According to the contract, the American ethane company will supply 2.6 million tons of ethane to Nanshan Group each year and participate in the 2 million tons / year ethane ethylene project planned by Nanshan Group.

US Ethane Company Asia Pacific CEO Michael Weimaraner told reporters that the contract will be based on "the United States the local market trading price of ethane + liquefaction cost + shipping" mode of transaction, according to the current United States Ethane prices, the contract total more than 20 billion US dollars.

Houghtaling said in an interview with reporters that after the shale gas revolution, the supply of ethane in the United States increased substantially and exports to Asia have become an inevitable trend. Bringing the U.S. ethane to China not only conforms to the strategy of energy development and output in the United States, but also conforms to the trend of green and clean transformation in China's petrochemical industry.

Compared with traditional naphtha ethylene, ethane ethylene has the advantages of short process flow, small area, small investment in equipment area and high conversion rate. At present, there are many Chinese enterprises Interest-related projects have shown interest, while raw materials and transportation issues have become the focus of Chinese enterprises.


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