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来源: 编辑: 人气:997 时间:2016-04-01


  TDI产品全称甲苯二异氰酸脂,主要用于软泡、涂料、弹性体和胶粘剂,其上游供应商为大型石化企业及基础化工企业,下游客户主要是聚氨酯软泡、涂料、胶粘剂、弹性体的生产企业。其中软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的应原装德国进口 22S 沉淀法二氧化用市场好为广泛,占TDI总消费量的70%以上,主要应用于家居、建筑和运输领域。TDI的生产投资成本高、技术难度大,具有较高的资本和技术壁垒。目前,国内只有4家企业进行生产,分别是沧州大化、东南电化、甘肃银光和烟台巨力,4家厂商合计占有近60%的国内市场份额,其他由巴斯夫和原装德国进口等国际巨头供应。







Dream Lily TDI manufacturers reported price monopoly, "intolerable"

After major anti-monopoly penalties imposed by the NDRC on the major PVC production enterprises, the TDI industry, which has risen more than the PVC price, broke out between the upstream and downstream enterprises. November 9, appeared on the Internet "business name reporting TDI manufacturers alleged price monopoly" information. Shanghai Securities News reporter found Ni Zhanggen, chairman of the corporate reporting lily dream, Ni responded that the report is true, the report is to save the entire industry in distress, the letter behind the hired lawyers and other independent third-party evidence. The reporter also contacted 4 of the 2 enterprises that were reported, but the other party was not willing to respond to this.

TDI product name is toluene diisocyanate, mainly used for soft foam, paint, elastomer and adhesive. Its upstream suppliers are large-scale petrochemical enterprises and basic chemical enterprises. Downstream customers are mainly polyurethane soft foam, Coatings, adhesives, elastomers production enterprises. One of the most widely used soft polyurethane foam market, accounting for more than 70% of TDI total consumption, mainly used in home, construction and transportation. TDI's high production investment costs, technical difficulties, with high capital and technical barriers. At present, there are only 4 domestic enterprises producing, namely, Cangzhou Dahua, Southeast Electro-Chemical, Gansu Yinuang and Yantai Julei. The four companies together account for nearly 60% of the domestic market share. Other international giants such as BASF and Covestro supply.

The paradoxical focus is the surge in TDI prices. According to press inquiries, November 9, TDI's mainstream market price of 3.75 yuan / ton, compared with 41,000 yuan / ton at the end of October nearly 10% decline, while in July of this year, TDI's price is still 2.3 million / Ton, 4 months the price has risen about 60%. Further tracking, until June 2016, the price of TDI has long been maintained at 12,500 yuan / ton, prices have tripled in a year and a half. In October last year, the price of TDI jumped from 18,000 yuan / ton to 50,000 yuan / ton in the short term and dropped back to 25,000 yuan / ton.

"I am really intolerable, the entire downstream industries are facing a crisis of survival, a large number of business failures. "For questions about why you want to report, Ni Zhanggen response, the face of the drastic rise in the prices of raw materials upstream, the company hired an independent third party for several months of investigation, but also to the relevant departments to reflect the situation, the last resort had to choose real name reporting. "There are many friends advised me not to do this thing, after all, our company has such a large, anti-risk ability is also relatively strong, but encountered such a thing, there must be someone else!"

"These companies repeatedly held the trade association, conference call and other forms of coordination in the price, while adjusting the price of TDI, meeting time and price increases in time, the time of price increases and The amplitude is also highly consistent. "Ni Zhanggen introduction, he hired an independent third party through investigation has mastered the evidence of these manufacturers synergies.

Let Ni Zhanggen and the majority of downstream business anger, but also to the side that prices have a "synergy" is the fact that TDI prices of domestic and foreign upside down. "Last October, the price of TDI jumped from 18,000 to 28,000 tons, jumping to 40,000, and the maximum went up to 50,000, but it still can not get goods. However, the international market is relatively stable, has been maintained at 3,000 US dollars / ton. "Ni Zhanggen introduced that in the same period as domestic prices soared, some factories were still exporting to overseas and export prices were far below their domestic sales prices.

TDI prices upside down and the disparity between spreads abnormal phenomenon persists. According to the business agency quoted the customs data, in September this year, China's import volume of TDI 6358.6 tons, the average unit price of 3830.41 US dollars / ton, the month export volume of 8099.5 tons, the average unit price of 2791.8 US dollars / ton, import and export price difference of more than 1000 US dollars . According to the inquiry, throughout September, domestic quotation of TDI has been maintained at 39,500 yuan / ton, converted into US dollars about 5,949 US dollars / ton, the price is more than twice the export price. Ni Zhangang said that the company's report has caused great concern to the National Development and Reform Commission. The NDRC's price supervision and inspection and antitrust bureau's special case study and the price supervision authorities in Hebei, Shandong, Fujian and Gansu provinces have helped to intervene in the investigation.


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