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来源: 编辑: 人气:913 时间:2016-04-01

  凯茵化工讯 东华能源股份有限公司11月9日公告,11月8日,东华能源与美国UOP有限责任公司(霍尼韦尔国际公司的下属公司,霍尼韦尔UOP)签署了《关于60万吨/年丙烷脱氢装置项目的合作谅解备忘录》。

  公告称,东华能源规划建设7个丙烷脱氢项目(包括已建成的项目),每个装置产能为60万吨/年。卡博特碳黑BP3560 原装 进口鉴于霍尼韦尔UOP的丙烷脱氢技术与同行相比,已经被证明为生产成本好低、投资回报好高的技术,因此,东华能源未来规划建设的项目有意向全部采用UOP的技术。

  霍尼韦尔UOP将为该项目主要工艺装置提供工艺技术、工程设计、技术服务、专用设备、燃烧设备等,包括为项目提供 授权、工艺包、培训、服务、催化剂、吸附剂和专用设备等。同时,东华能源和霍尼韦尔UOP将会共同研发新的技术,来支持装置的运行。


Donghua Energy and Honeywell UOP signed propane dehydrogenation project memorandum of understanding cooperation

KAYNE ChemInfo Energy Co., Ltd. announced on November 9 that on November 8, Tung Wah Energy and UOP Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., Honeywell UOP) Signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on the Project of 600,000 Tons / year Propane Dehydrogenation Unit". Notice said Donghua Energy plans to build seven propane dehydrogenation projects (including projects have been completed), each unit capacity of 600,000 tons / year. As Honeywell UOP's propane dehydrogenation technology has proven to be the lowest production cost and highest return on investment compared with its peers, Tung Wah Group's future planning and construction projects have the intention of fully adopting UOP's technology.

Honeywell UOP will provide process technology, engineering design, technical services, special equipment, combustion equipment, etc. for the main process plant of the project, including providing patent authorization, process package, training, service, catalyst for the project , Adsorbents and special equipment. In the meantime, Tung Wah Group of Energy and Honeywell UOP will jointly develop new technologies to support the operation of the plant.

Seven projects (including two projects already completed) planned by UOP and Donghua Energy will be settled in coastal cities such as Ningbo and Lianyungang. The total supply is expected to reach 210 million US dollars.


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