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港大研制出防水防油物料 不洗衣服成为可能

来源: 编辑: 人气:803 时间:2017-06-09

  凯茵化工讯 印度有限公司(Akzo Nobel India Ltd)本周二表示,将出售其特种化学品业务给集团下属的的子公司,作价320亿印度卢比。





  据备案资料显示,印度公司特种化学品业务与 全Q特种化学品业务具有非常紧密的联系。

  “考虑到相互依赖性,董事会认为这将符合股东、有关员工和客户的好大利益,即印度特种化学品业务也被剥离到上述特种化学品 全Q实体或其附属公司”。



AkzoNobel India to divest specialty chemicals business

凯茵 化工 News Akzo Nobel India Ltd said on Tuesday it will sell its specialty chemicals business to a subsidiary of the Akzo Nobel group for Rs 32,000 crore.

In a paper submitted to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the company said it will sell Specialty Chemicals business with shareholder approval.

The business includes a manufacturing facility in Mahad that produces polymer chemistry products and is also responsible for providing polymer and surface treatment chemicals to other AkzoNobel business units.

Following this sale, about 80 employees currently associated with the Specialty Chemicals business at Mahad Factory will move with the business.

In April 2017, in response to the acquisition of the U.S. PPG, AkzoNobel Netherlands proposed to spin off its Specialty Chemicals business and independently develop its paint and coatings business.

According to the filing records, the AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals business in India has a very close relationship with the AkzoNobel Global Specialty Chemicals business.

"Considering the interdependencies, the Board believes that this will be in the best interest of the shareholders, employees and customers that the specialty chemicals business in India is also divesting to the Specialty Chemicals Global Entities or its affiliates & rdquo ;

According to the documents, the transaction is scheduled to be completed on March 31, 2018 with the necessary approvals. According to Reuters, the AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals business may have a valuation as high as 90%. Billion euros, and private equity firms interested in bidding for the business will provide up to 6 billion euros of debt financing, the company's goal is to be completed by March 2018 this project. It is also more news that CVC Capital has teamed up with KKR to offer a takeover bid to compete with a consortium including Advent and Bain, while Carlyle, Apollo and Blackstone each may offer a takeover bid.


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