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来源: 编辑: 人气:923 时间:2017-06-09

  凯茵化工讯 辽宁省石化产业近年来发展迅速,但是仍存在产品结构不合理、精细化率不高等问题。11月9日,辽宁省精细化工产业共性技术创新平台在 岛正式启用,平台聚集了包括院士、长江学者、杰出青年在内的60多名科学家及200多名博士、硕士研究生,重点发展精细化工产业。目前,12个或填补国内空白、或达到国际优良水平的项目已经落地。

  据辽科莱恩光稳定剂N845 PP pills宁日报报道,2014年5月,辽宁省开始建设精细化工产业共性技术创新平台,为全省S批九大共性技术平台之一,也是目前 的精细化工省级共性技术创新平台。共性技术攻关具有一点突破、全盘皆活的作用,对行业的未来发展会产生深刻影响。

  创新平台依托大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室、辽宁省精细化工工程技术中心组建。为提升技术转移和改善中试条件,2015年12月,大连理工大学与 岛经济区签订校地共建协议,建设新基地,并打造“高校主导、政府支持、社会化运作”的新机制。

  大连理工大学以本校学科带头人和领军人才为主导,吸收大连化物所等研究院所的力量,组成一流科学家团队,从成熟的科研成果中优选具有产业化前景的项目落户平台,在实验设备、研究经费、激励机制等方面给予政策倾斜;大连 岛经济区管委会专门组建提供社会化服务的科创服务公司,提供厂房、公用工程、配套服务设施等物理平台,推出了专项资金扶持、免厂房租金、免物业服务费等扶持政策,并引入基金等社会投资机构,与项目组形成互补工作关系。


Liaoning province fine chemical industry common technology innovation platform enabled

Kailin Chemical Industry Liaoning's petrochemical industry is developing rapidly in recent years, but there are still problems such as unreasonable product structure and low fining rate. On November 9, the common technology innovation platform for fine chemical industry in Liaoning Province was officially opened in Changxing Island. The platform brought together more than 60 scientists, including 200 academicians, including outstanding academicians, and more than 200 doctoral and master degree students, focusing on the development of fine Chemical industry. At present, 12 projects that have filled the domestic gaps or reached international advanced levels have landed. According to Liaoning Daily, in May 2014, Liaoning Province started to build a common technology innovation platform for the fine chemical industry. It is one of the first nine common technology platforms in the province and the only province-level general common of fine chemicals Technology innovation platform. Common technical breakthroughs have a little breakthrough, all-round role of the industry, the future development of the industry will have a profound impact.

The innovation platform relies on the State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals of Dalian University of Technology and the Fine Chemical Engineering and Technology Center of Liaoning Province. In December 2015, Dalian University of Technology and Changxing Island Economic Zone signed an agreement to build a new campus and build a new base to create a "university-led, government-supported and socialized operation." New mechanism.

Dalian Polytechnic University, led by its academic leaders and leading personnel, absorbs the strength of research institutes such as Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics to form a first-class team of scientists to optimize the selection of projects with industrialization prospects from mature scientific research achievements Platform, give preferential policies in terms of experimental equipment, research funding and incentive mechanism; Dalian Changxing Island Economic Zone Management Committee established a special service company providing social services to provide physical platforms such as factories, public works and supporting service facilities, Introduced supportive policies such as special fund support, no-plant rent and property-free service fee, and introduced social investment institutions such as funds to form a complementary working relationship with the project team.

The first phase of the platform has a total investment of 160 million yuan, including workshops, public works, public facilities and testing centers. Platform supporting expert apartments, to provide bag check-in, shuttle commuting and other services. At present, the platform has attracted 12 or fill in the gaps in the country, or with the pilot project of the world's leading entry, led nearly 50 enterprises product technology upgrades. Among them, nearly half of the pilot projects such as weather-resistant laser printing color powder, high-performance carbon-based film materials, pharmaceutical chemical intermediates and molecular sieve membrane separation equipment have achieved small-scale industrial application.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
