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原料价格上升环保趋严 橡胶助剂仍存上涨动力

来源: 编辑: 人气:832 时间:2012-11-29

  凯茵化工讯 据青岛日报报道美礼联钛白粉,8月21日,青岛中瑞泰丰与壳牌标准公司合作生产项目在青岛西海岸出口加工区奠基,这是壳牌标准公司在我国高个同类产品生产项目,是其 全Q化生产在我国布局的重要一步。

  据了解,该项目总投资3亿元,将引进壳牌先进的管理理念,采用国际好先进的生产设备,建设 全Q优良的新材料生产厂。项目预计将于2019年3月底建成投产,预计年产值14亿元。该项目建成后,将成为除美国“雪佛龙”之外, 全Q 具有该种新材料生产能力的供应商。其产品与法国“埃克森”新技术配套,能有效降低油品含硫量,满足国内外油品升级换代要求,为环境保护做出积极贡献。

Shell new material project ram Qingdao

According to the report of Qingdao Daily, on August 21, Qingdao Zhongrui Tai Fung co-production project with Shell's standard company laid the foundation stone in the export processing zone of the west coast of Qingdao. This is the first time that Shell Standard Company has produced similar products in China Project is an important step in the layout of its global production in our country.

It is understood that the total investment of 300000000 yuan, the introduction of Shell advanced management concepts, using the most advanced production equipment, the construction of the world's leading new material production plant. The project is expected to be completed and put into production by the end of March 2019, with an estimated annual output value of 1.4 billion yuan. When the project is completed, it will be the only supplier in the world that has the capacity of producing such new materials in addition to Chevron in the United States. Its products and France "Exxon" new technology package, can effectively reduce the sulfur content of oil to meet the upgrading requirements of oil at home and abroad, make a positive contribution to environmental protection.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
