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来源: 编辑: 人气:869 时间:2012-11-29

  凯茵化工讯 澳大利亚伊迪斯考恩大学日前发表新闻公报说,该校科学家使用纳米技术制造出一种新型“金属玻璃”催化剂,可以环保、高效地处理污水。






New "metal glass" catalyst for efficient wastewater treatment

Kailin Chemical News Australia's Edith Cowan University recently published a press release saying that its scientists use nanotechnology to create a new "metal glass" catalyst that can treat wastewater effi- ciently and efficiently.

"Metallic Glass", also known as amorphous alloy, has the atomic packing structure similar to glass and possesses higher catalytic activity than the crystalline material. In a written interview with a Xinhua News Agency reporter, Zhang Lai-chang, an associate professor of engineering at Edith Cowen University, who is in charge of the study, said that unlike the common methods used to treat industrial wastewater using iron salts and ferric ions Than, "Metallic glass catalysts do not cause secondary pollution first, and their catalytic efficiency, reusable more than 20 times. As the metal glass has been mass-produced, the market price is low, the operation and maintenance costs are also lower.

Zhang Lai-chang's team used nanotechnology to change the atomic structure of iron and made a new iron-based metallic glass strip with an atomic packing structure of "long-range disorder and short-range order." Under laboratory conditions, the new material adsorbs impurities such as dyes and heavy metal waste streams and purifies wastewater in minutes.

The research results recently published in the United States "Advanced Functional Materials" Science magazine.

Zhang Laichang said that many international companies, including Chinese enterprises, have shown their interest in this technology. However, the current research is based on the laboratory simulation conditions, and the real need for large-scale investment Conduct the final test. "I believe this research will bring benefits to industrial wastewater treatment. & rdquo;


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