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来源: 编辑: 人气:1008 时间:2012-11-29

  凯茵化工讯 沸石催化剂常用于化工和汽车工业,比如用于处理汽车尾气。美国一项新研究说,研究人员发现了一种前所未知的沸石催化剂起作用的机制,有望在此基础上开发出更好处理汽车尾气方法。




New discovery is expected to make the zeolite catalyst better handle automobile exhaust

Kai Yan Chemical News Zeolite catalyst commonly used in chemical and automotive industries, such as for the treatment of automobile exhaust. A new study from the United States said researchers have discovered a mechanism by which a previously unknown zeolite catalyst can work, and it is hoped that a better way to deal with vehicle exhaust will be developed.

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Medicine, Purdue University and others report in a new issue of Science that they used high-energy X-rays produced by particle accelerators and supercomputers to analyze the mechanism of zeolite catalyst work. In porous materials such as zeolite, a large number of pores with a diameter of only 1 nanometer are filled with copper atoms, which are the active sites for catalytic reactions.

The new study found that the linkages between the copper atoms in zeolites play key roles in the overall catalytic reaction. If the distribution of copper atoms in the zeolite is adjusted, it is possible to speed up the reaction and reduce the temperature required for the reaction .

At present, some of the exhaust gas catalysts used in the automobile industry work effectively at 200 degrees Celsius, but with the development of automobile technology, the exhaust gas temperature will drop. Therefore, researchers hope to develop a catalyst that can operate at 150 degrees Celsius Catalyst for work.


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