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来源: 编辑: 人气:896 时间:2017-10-10

  凯茵化工讯 山西美锦能源股份有限公司9月5日发布公告称,公司与山西煤化所在生物质基电容炭中试技术开发方面近日取得重大进展。

  2016 年 8 月 3 日,山西美锦能源股份有限公司与中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所双方强强联合,合作研制开发“超级电容器电极材料中试技术”。




Significant progress has been made in the development of biobased capacitor carbon

Kailin Chemical Co., Ltd. Shanxi Meijin Energy Co., Ltd. announced on September 5 that the company and Shanxi Coal Chemical Biomass based carbon capacitor pilot technology has made significant progress recently.

On August 3, 2016, Shanxi Meijin Energy Co., Ltd. and Shanxi Coal Chemistry Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly developed the "Pilot Technology of Supercapacitor Electrode Materials" through cooperation and cooperation.

Notice that after nearly a year of efforts to tackle key problems, using biomass as raw material, breaking the key technologies of low temperature crosslinking, intermediate temperature carbonization, high temperature activation and deep purification, prepared high-quality capacitor carbon, performance Indicators higher than similar products in Japan, is expected to achieve the import substitution of capacitor carbon.

On this basis, the two parties signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on the industrialization of 100-ton capacitor charcoal to speed up the progress and break the monopoly of foreign products and technologies to realize the localization of capacitor charcoal.

Capacitor Carbon is a key material of supercapacitor and is a special high value added product in the field of activated carbon. The product has not yet achieved localization, a high degree of dependence on foreign countries.


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