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来源: 编辑: 人气:812 时间:2017-09-26






  由于“哈维”刚刚过境,不少厂的灾情不明。美国环境保护局正在与得州环保部门合作,查点这些化厂的情况。得州环境质量委员会发言人安德烈娅 莫罗称,目前暂未收到其他“值得担心”的报告。


  美国化学安全与危险调查局前调查员比尔 霍伊尔说:“事情还没完。显然这些厂采取的行动和预防措施不足。阿科玛公司事件解决后,这一地区还有更多的多米诺骨牌会倒下。”




  加利福尼亚州劳资关系部前官员迈克尔 威尔逊介绍,2013年得州韦斯特一家化肥厂爆炸导致15人死亡后,联邦政府才开始重视此事,奥巴马卸任前确实出台了一套更为严格的安全生产法规,但特朗普上台后宣布暂缓实行这些法规。


  美国化学安全与危险调查局局长瓦妮莎 萨瑟兰警告说,随着极端天气发生频率增高,类似阿科玛公司厂爆炸事件将会更为普遍,堵住监管漏洞势在必行。

A Huge Basics The Hurricane Harvey exposes and beautifies industrial shortcomings

The Houston, Texas area of ​​the United States is the center of the U.S. chemical industry. There are more than 230 chemical plants, 33 refineries and hundreds of kilometers of transport pipelines. Hurricane "Harvey" hit, people are worried about the leakage of hazardous chemicals in these factories, causing serious environmental pollution. The fears of

have been confirmed. A chemical plant exploded on August 30 and is at risk of another explosion. Other factories also have reports of chemical spills, oil spills and pipe leaks. Insiders said that "Harvey" exposed the shortcomings of Texas's chemical industry's safety in production and disaster response capability, and also exposed the loopholes in the regulatory authorities.


The exploding chemical plant was Arkema's division in Crosby, Texas, 40 kilometers from downtown Houston. The factory mainly produces various peroxides that can be used in the pharmaceutical, construction and other industries. After the flooding of the plant, the backup generator stopped working and the power supply was interrupted. Some chemicals requiring refrigeration increased in temperature and decomposed and then exploded on fire.

Arkema said on August 31 that the plant may explode again. The residents within the radius of 2.4km around the factory have all been evacuated and no personnel are injured. Whether or not environmental pollution is temporarily determined is uncertain.

Due to "Harvey" just transit, many factory disaster situation is unknown. The US Environmental 手感助剂ion Agency is working with the Texas Department of Environmental 手感助剂ion to check the status of these chemical plants. Texas State Environmental Quality Committee spokesman Andrea & middot; Moro said it has yet to receive other "worth worrying" report. However, according to the Associated Press reported that "Harvey" 11 days before and after landing, many refineries and chemical plants exist at least 20 times the air pollutant emissions exceeded. A tank of crude oil dumps a leak, a pipeline leaks dangerous chemicals, and spills oil from at least one refinery.

Former US Inspector of Investigations Bill & middot; Hoyle said: "Things are not over. Obviously, the actions and preventive measures taken by these factories are not sufficient. After Arkema Incident was resolved, more dominoes would fall in the area.

Regulatory loopholes

The United States of America Gulf of Mexico is located in a large area of ​​chemical industry, where a large number of hurricanes, especially the 2005 hurricane "Katrina" struck After that, the safety production and disaster response capabilities of these factories should be reasonable to improve. However, according to the Associated Press, as these federal regula- tions have not been updated since 1992, the improvement of work safety and resilience in these factories is purely voluntary and not legally binding.

According to Wilson, a former official of the California Department of Industrial Relations, the federal government began to pay attention to the matter after an explosion at a fertilizer plant in West Texas in 2013 killed 15 people. Indeed, A set of more stringent safety regulations, but after taking office, Trump announced the suspension of these regulations.

Wilson said many chemical companies use this regulatory loophole and are reluctant to pay for upgrading disaster recovery facilities and technologies.

The Secretary for Chemical Safety and Risk Survey Vanessa Sutherland warned that explosions like Arkema's plant would be more prevalent as the frequency of extreme weather increased, blocking regulation Vulnerability is imperative.


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