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来源: 编辑: 人气:3598 时间:2017-08-03

  凯茵化工讯 “我们已初步建立了以生物酶法同步制取植物油脂与蛋白为特征的新一代制油技术体系,打破了国外在高端油脂和蛋白产品生产上的技术垄断。”10日,在由中国轻工业联合会组织的“植物油料生物解离及高值化利用关键技术发明与应用”项目技术鉴定会上,东北农业大学食品学院院长江连洲说。






Bio-enzymes allow oils to be separated from the green in the oil

Kailin Chemical News "We have initially established a new generation of oil refining technology system characterized by simultaneous production of vegetable oil and protein by enzymatic method, breaking the technical monopoly of foreign high-end oil and protein products. "On the 10th," said Jiang Lianzhou, dean of the Northeast Agricultural University School of Food Science and Technology, at the project technical appraisal meeting on the invention and application of key technologies of biodegradation and high value utilization of vegetable oil by the China National Light Industry Council.

China is the world's largest consumer of vegetable oil and protein. At present, the production methods of vegetable oil are mainly mechanical pressing and solvent extraction. "Mechanical crushing method, is the role of mechanical force, the oil squeezed out from the oil, there is low fat yield, poor grease quality, product added value is not high and other issues; solvent extraction method, the application of chemical solvents soak oil Extraction of grease, oil solvent residue, poor security, while high energy consumption, environmental pollution and other issues. Jiang Lian Chau said.

Jianglianzhou team from 2006, which lasted 11 years of research, the formation of a unique biological simultaneous preparation of plant oils and key technologies and applications, the establishment of an internationally advanced level of plant oils Biological processing technology system.

"We invented the method of biological dissociation simultaneous extraction of plant oils and proteins, this method abandoned the chemical solvent, at lower temperatures, with alkaline protease, cellulase, pectinase Bio-separation of oil and protein from oil, etc., greatly preserves the nutrients of oil and protein, and does not cause pollution to the environment, and is green, safe and environment-friendly. Jiang Lian Chau said.

The new technology developed by this project has been applied in 21 domestic enterprises. Among them, 9 enterprises newly added sales amounting to 732,213,900 yuan in the recent three years with added profit of 84,680,500 yuan. Even more noteworthy is that the project reduces the amount of acid and alkali, reducing sewage discharge, to avoid the use of chemical solvents and oil over-processing, the creation of social benefits and environmental benefits nearly 1 billion yuan.

On the 10th, the appraisal committee headed by Xie Jianping, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, agreed that the overall technology of the project has reached the international advanced level, including the mechanism of biolysis of oilseeds and the theoretical study of protein flexibility processing, simultaneous extraction of functional proteins And saponins and other by-products high-value use of key technologies reached the international advanced level.


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