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来源: 编辑: 人气:1221 时间:2017-08-03

  凯茵化工讯 据外媒新闻伦敦12月4日消息,德国化工生产商原装德国进口工业公司周一表示,公司和美国陶氏化学公司已经终止了双方出资比例均为50%的丙烯酸生产合资公司。

  Sto Haas合资公司在德国和美国拥有两处生产设施,这两处设施将各自回归1999年合资公司成立前的原始业主。


  原装德国进口工业婴儿护理部门负责人Norbert Westerholt表示:“该合资公司的解体将令双方在追寻各自的战略目标方面处于更加有利的位置。”巴斯夫油性金属钝化剂 Irgamet

Germany and Dow Chemical terminated acrylic joint venture

KAYNE Chemical News According to foreign media news London on December 4, the German chemical manufacturer Industries said Monday that the company and the United States Dow Chemical Company has terminated the proportion of both 50% of the investment in the production of acrylic joint venture the company.

The Sto Haas joint venture has two production facilities in Germany and the United States, each of which will return to the original owner prior to the establishment of the joint venture in 1999.

Joint Venture The manufacturing facility in Mal, Germany, will be owned by Industries, Inc. from December 31st. The Texas Dezhou Park production facilities will return to Dow Chemical.

Norbert Westerholt, Head of Industrial Baby Care at , said: "The dissolution of the joint venture will allow both parties to take a more advantageous position in pursuit of their respective strategic goals. & rdquo;


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