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来源: 编辑: 人气:1051 时间:2016-04-01

  凯茵化工讯 11月4日至5日科莱恩光稳定剂N24 liquid,福建锦江石化芳烃一体化项目方案论证会在漳州市举行。这标志着古雷石化园区炼化一体化重点项目又迎来实质性的推进。


  福建锦江石化芳烃一体化项目是 荣控股集团战略发展的一大布局。该项目于2017年3月与古雷开发区管委会签订投资协议,批准工业用地2700亩。项目推进以来,积极引进项目团队,多次与洛阳院、SEI、寰球、北京石化等国内 设计单位进行技术交流。同时, UOP、AXENS、CBI、MOBIL等国际一流技术公司多次来漳,与项目团队共同进行技术探讨,有效地推进了项目的开展。


Fujian Jinjiang Petrochemical aromatic integrated project demonstration project will be held

Kai Yan Chemical News November 4 to 5, Fujian Jinjiang Petrochemical aromatic integrated project demonstration project will be held in Zhangzhou City. This marks the key project of refining and chemical integration in Gulei Petrochemical Park usher in substantive progress.

At the meeting, the top petrochemical experts in China discussed the contents of project planning, operation cost, product technology, competitiveness, anti-risk ability and related policies, and provided advice and suggestions for the project .

Fujian Jinjiang Petrochemical Aromatics Integration Project is a strategic layout of Yongrong Holding Group. The project signed an investment agreement with Gulei Development Zone Administrative Committee in March 2017 to approve 2,700 mu of industrial land. Since the project has been promoted, the project team has been actively introduced and the technical exchange has been held with top domestic design units such as Luoyang Hospital, SEI, HQ and Beijing Petrochemical. At the same time, world-class technology companies such as UOP, AXENS, CBI and MOBIL have come to Zhang several times and jointly conducted technical discussions with the project team to effectively promote the project.

It is understood that, Gulei Petrochemical Park has now completed 4.5 million tons of Xianglu Petrochemical PTA production capacity, Tamron Petrochemical 1.6 million tons / year PX production capacity and the forthcoming construction of 1 million tons of Sinopec ethylene project within the park PX gap of 1.6 million tons per year, 2.3 million tons of ethylene material gap, atmospheric pressure heavy oil gap of 3 million tons. Jinjiang Petrochemical Aromatics Integration Project will make full use of petrochemical park resources advantages to solve the raw material needs of Xianglu Petrochemical PTA plant, Sinopec ethylene project and Tamron aromatic hydrocarbon to promote the development of Gulei Park.


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