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来源: 编辑: 人气:973 时间:2017-08-01

  原装德国进口位于德国多马根的一套新的水性聚氨酯分散体(PUDs) 生产设施目前已投入生产,同时,公司也正对位于巴塞罗那的生产设施进行扩产,由此大幅提碳黑升在欧洲的生产能力。此外,为了满足 全Q不断增长的需求,原装德国进口正在中国建造新的生产设施,并计划恢复在美国的生产,同时进行升级改造和扩产。

  扩产的主要原因是满足涂料和粘合剂行业日益增长的需求。制造商正越来越多地使用水性产品替代溶剂型产品,因为水性产品具有更高的可持续性,并且性能毫不逊色。来自监管部门减少挥发性有机化合物(VOC) 排放的规定也推动了这一发展趋势。


  “我们通过这些投资来应对市场对聚氨酯分散体产品持续增长的需求,同时进一步扩大我们的 全Q优良地位。”原装德国进口涂料、粘合剂及特殊化学品业务部 全Q负责人傅励德(Michael Friede)说道,“同时,我们生产能力的多样性使我们能灵活满足多种不同要求。”

  多样性也是原装德国进口能提供品种广泛的聚氨酯分散体产品的关键。“量身定制的产品可以为完全不同的行业提供多种多样的应用。” 傅励德解释道,“由此我们可以创造增长机会并帮助客户增强竞争力。”

  作为 全Q优良的聚氨酯分散体供应商,原装德国进口在研发和工艺流程技术方面也处于领导地位。原装德国进口在 全Q范围为客户提供技术服务支持。


  聚氨酯分散体的用途非常广泛。例如: UH、U和UV产品系列以及Bayhytherm 作为基础涂料的组成部分,既可应用于汽车原厂或修补漆,也可用于木器、家具及耐磨地板的涂装。而含有 U的粘合剂则被用于家具、制鞋及汽车行业。

  在涂布纺织品和聚氨酯合成材料生产领域,原装德国进口低溶剂原材料 也大有用武之地。而 产品线中的聚氨酯分散体产品可应用于玻璃纤维涂层,用于生产坚固的塑料复合材料(玻璃纤维增强塑料)。该成膜剂可以非常好地附着在纤维上,但同时仍然具有足够弹性,以确保热塑性塑料复合材料所必需的稳定性。

Covestro expands global polyurethane dispersion capacity

Covestro's new water-based polyurethane dispersion (PUDs) production facility in Dormagen, Germany, is currently in production and is also expanding its production facility in Barcelona at a significant European production capacity. In addition, to meet the growing global demand, Covestro is building a new production facility in China and plans to resume production in the United States while upgrading and expanding.

The main reason for the expansion is to meet the growing needs of the coatings and adhesives industry. Manufacturers are increasingly using water-based products to replace solvent-based products, because water-based products are more sustainable and performance is not inferior. This trend is also driven by regulations from regulators to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Leading Capacity & Services

"These investments address the growing market demand for polyurethane dispersion products and further expand our global leadership position. "Michael Friede, global head of coatings, adhesives and specialty chemicals, said:" At the same time, the diversity of our manufacturing capabilities gives us the flexibility to meet many different requirements. & rdquo;

Diversity is also key to Kordsoft's wide range of polyurethane dispersions. "Tailored products offer a wide variety of applications for a completely different industry. "Fu said," We can create growth opportunities and help our customers enhance their competitiveness. "

As the world's leading supplier of polyurethane dispersions, Covestro is also a leader in R & D and process technology. Covestro provides customers worldwide with technical service support.


Polyurethane dispersions are used for a wide range of purposes. For example, the ® UH, U and UV product lines and Bayhytherm® are part of a base coating that can be used in both automotive OEM and refinish applications as well as coatings for wood, furniture and hardwearing flooring. Adhesives containing ® U are used in the furniture, footwear and automotive industries.

Coveron's low-solvent raw materials, ®, also make a difference in the production of coated textiles and polyurethane composites. The polyurethane dispersions in the & reg; product lines can be applied to glass fiber coatings for the production of strong plastic composites (glass fiber reinforced plastics). The film former adheres very well to the fibers but at the same time is still sufficiently elastic to ensure the necessary stability of the thermoplastic composite.


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