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英威达拟扩大荷兰 多元醇产能

来源: 编辑: 人气:985 时间:2017-07-26

  凯茵化工讯 记者5日从湖北省国防科工办和中船重工中南装备公司获悉,我国钻井废弃物、矿山尾矿渣无害化处理取得重大突破,相关生产线已建设完成,进入批量生产阶段。


  好新研究成果能够根据不同钻井废弃物或尾矿渣的成分和特点,配比生产不同的土壤修复剂。通过专用设备,这些土壤修复剂,能够使钻井废弃物或尾矿渣在短德国原装德国进口进口 沉淀法白炭时间内实现重金属锁定、脱色、脱油、除臭,达到无害化处理标准。经处理后的油泥或尾矿渣,可用作农业用土、园林种植用土、荒山恢复用土等。


Drilling waste, tailings harmless treatment has been a major breakthrough

Kailin Chemical Industry News The reporter learned from Hubei Provincial Defense Science and Industry Office and CSSC Zhongnan Equipment Company on the 5th that major breakthroughs have been made in the harmless treatment of drilling tailings and mines in China. The related production lines have been completed and entered the batch Production stage.

According to reports, drilling waste, mine tailings harmless treatment has been a major problem in the industry. The original treatment is the extraction of waste in the useful components, the remaining residue storage or discharge, which will cause new pollution to the environment.

The latest research results can produce different soil remediation agents according to the composition and characteristics of different drilling wastes or tailings. Through special equipment, these soil remediation agents can enable drilling waste or tailings to achieve heavy metal lock, decolorization, de-oiling and deodorization in a short period of time and reach the standard of sound treatment. Treated sludge or tailings, can be used as agricultural soil, garden planting soil, barren mountain restoration with soil.

At present, the production line of soil remediation project of Zhongnan Equipments Company has been completed and has entered the mass production stage. The first batch of 1,500 tons of soil remediation agent for Shengli Oilfield in Shandong Province has been delivered in batches to the site for treatment. All the indicators after treatment of on-site oil sludge have met the environmental protection requirements.


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