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来源: 编辑: 人气:885 时间:2017-07-25

  凯茵化工讯 德国化工巨头巴斯夫10月12日宣布,召回在欧洲销售的甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)产品,原因是这些TDI含有过量二氯苯。








Excessive Dichlorobenzene BASF recalled thousands of tons of TDI in Europe

Kailin Chemical News German chemical giant BASF announced on October 12 the recall of tolylene diisocyanate (TDI) products sold in Europe because these TDI contained excess amounts of dichlorobenzene.

BASF said it has recently discovered a fluctuation in the quality of its TDI produced in Ludwigshafen. The TDI delivered at this site from August 25 to September 29, 2017, contains excess amounts of dichlorobenzene (DCB) due to technical shortcomings in the manufacturing process and is currently being excluded.

BASF has notified about 50 affected customers and stopped delivering the product. BASF confirmed that the affected materials were not sold directly to Asia. TDI production facilities in Asia have not been affected, and no similar quality problems have been found.

About two-thirds of the 7,500-ton TDI with excessive dichlorobenzene content has not yet been processed and BASF is recalling some of these products.

For processed products, BASF is actively engaged with relevant customers, including a team of 75 experts who are helping customers detect dichlorobenzene content and prevent any hazards.

BASF said it has taken the following measures: It is recalling unprocessed TDI and unprocessed foam blocks and is expected to complete the recall by the end of next week. For processed products, BASF is assisting customers with the relevant tests to ensure that the products meet the specific requirements of different industries.

It is reported that dichlorobenzene is a colorless liquid organic compound, such as into the water, have persistent toxicity to aquatic organisms, can cause skin, respiratory and eye irritation and skin allergies, carcinogenic may Sex.

TDI (tolylene diisocyanate) is an important starting material for the manufacture of polyurethanes and is mainly used in the furniture industry such as elastic foam for mattresses, mattresses or wood coatings, and in the automotive industry (car seat cushions).


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