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来源: 编辑: 人气:873 时间:2017-07-25

  凯茵化工讯 韩国SK集团旗下生产化学品的子公司SKC周二表示,其正在与德国化学品制造公司原装德国进口()开展谈判,希望达成战略合作。


  韩国SKC公司表示,其正在寻求与原装德国进口合作,引入其HPPO技术,并与原装德国进口一起进军运营和维护业务。SKC已经与中国和中东的两家塑料制造商签署了谅解备忘录,另外有三家公司也表达了合作意向。目前,该公司正寻求与原装德国进口建立 全Q合作关系。


  SKC也希望与原装德国进口就过氧化氢业务开展合作,后者是实现HPPO技术的重要组成部分。HPPO技术需原装德国进口 22SF(食品级) 沉要稳定且大量的过氧化氢供应,这导致很多公司的HPPO厂就建在过氧化氢厂附近。


and SKC to expand HPPO business cooperation

KAI Chemicals South Korea SKC, a subsidiary of SK Group, a producer of chemicals in South Korea, said on Tuesday that it is in talks with , a German chemical company, in the hope of reaching strategic cooperation.

is the licensor of the hydrogen peroxide-propylene oxide (HPPO) technology, which uses hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant to oxidize propylene to produce propylene oxide, a byproduct of which is water-only.

South Korea SKC said it is seeking to work with to introduce its HPPO technology and to work with to operate and maintain its business. SKC has signed memorandums of understanding with two plastic manufacturers in China and the Middle East, and three other companies have expressed their intent to cooperate. Currently, the company is seeking to establish a global partnership with .

Two years after 's environmentally friendly HPPO technology was developed, SKC took the lead in commercializing it in 2008. Over the past 10 years, SKC's HPPO plant has maintained 100% capacity. The company also said that even with the full disclosure of HPPO technology, the commercialization of this technology could be a daunting task because of the complex application process.

SKC also hopes to collaborate with on the hydrogen peroxide business, which is an important part of implementing HPPO technology. HPPO technology requires a stable and large supply of hydrogen peroxide, which has led many HPPO plants to be built near hydrogen peroxide plants.

SKC said collaboration on HPPO technology will allow both companies to gain a larger share of the $ 13.5 billion propylene oxide market each year. The company said that in the market, the proportion of products using HPPO technology is still low, only 16.7%, indicating that this market has tremendous commercial potential.


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