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来源: 编辑: 人气:746 时间:2017-06-13

  凯茵化工讯 11月7日,巴斯夫风险投资公司表示,对美国功能性化学公司——NBD纳米技术公司(NBD Nanotechnolog科莱恩光稳定剂3206 HP LIQies)领投了一个800万美元的B轮融资。

  NBD Nano位于马萨诸州的波士顿,是一家特种化学品公司,拥有专有平台技术,能使化学品表面拥有例如耐水性或附着力特性。巴斯夫和新投资者汉高集团一起加入包括Phoenix Venture Partners在内的投资者行列。

  NBO Nano的产品包括RepelShell塑料助剂,它能使任何一种合成树脂比采用含氟聚合物技术的更具有耐水性,同时,InvisiPrint涂层可显著降低表面指纹的可见度。

BASF invests in NBD, a US functional chemical company

KAY Chemical News On November 7, BASF Ventures said that it has led an investment of $ 8 million in Series B round-trip investment by NBD Nanotechnologies, a U.S. functional chemical company.

Located in Boston, Mass., NBD Nano is a specialty chemical company with proprietary platform technologies that enable chemicals such as water resistance or adhesion on the surface. BASF and investors Henkel joined forces including investors including Phoenix Venture Partners.

NBO Nano's products include RepelShell Plastic Additives that make any synthetic resin more water resistant than fluoropolymer technology while InvisiPrint coatings significantly reduce the visibility of surface fingerprints.


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