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来源: 编辑: 人气:790 时间:2017-06-09

  凯茵化工讯 11月16日,美国阿尔塔纳集团成员毕克化学公司宣布计划扩建其在德克萨斯州冈萨雷斯厂。


  除了扩大产能和升级基础设施外,毕克还打算建立一个新的研发中心打造实力化的 全Q自然流变研发中心。


BYK expands production of rheology auxiliaries in US plants

Kailin Chemical News On November 16, BYK Group's chemical company BYK announced plans to expand its plant in Gonzales, Texas.

BYK expects to invest $ 50 million in additional production facilities to increase its capacity in the rheology additive portfolio to ensure future growth and meet customer needs.

In addition to expanding production capacity and upgrading infrastructure, BYK also plans to establish a new R & D center to build a solid global R & D center for natural rheology.

BYK has a total of six manufacturing facilities in the United States. About 150 employees work at the BYK plant in Gonzalez, Texas.


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