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钛白粉涨价函再现 需求难撑大涨幅

来源: 编辑: 人气:863 时间:2017-06-09

  凯茵化工讯 11月20日,商务部发布公告,初步认定原产于韩国、日本和南非的进口甲基异丁基(甲)酮存在倾销,国内产业受到实质损害,而且倾销与实质损害之间存在因果关系。

  公告称,自2017年11月20日起,进口经营者在进口被调查产品时,向海关提供相应的保证金。对各公司征收的保证金比率如下:韩国公司锦湖P&B化学株式会社29.9%,其他韩国公司32.3%;日本三井化学株式会社48.4%,三菱化学株式科莱恩光稳定剂Nylostab 会社51.2%,其他日本公司190.4%;沙索南非有限公司15.9%,其他南非公司34.1%。


Ministry of Commerce: South Korea, South Africa imported methyl isobutyl ketone exists dumping

Kailin Chemical News On November 20, the Ministry of Commerce issued a public announcement preliminarily asserting that dumping of imported methyl isobutyl (meth) ketone originating from South Korea, Japan and South Africa has caused substantial damage to the domestic industry and that dumping and There is a causal relationship between substantive damage.

Notice said that as of November 20, 2017, the import operators in the survey of imported products, to the Customs to provide the appropriate margin. Margin rates charged to companies are as follows: South Korean company Kumho P & B Chemical Co., Ltd. 29.9%, other Korean companies 32.3%; Japan's Mitsui Chemicals 48.4%, Mitsubishi Chemical 51.2%, other Japanese companies 190.4% 15.9% of South Africa Limited and 34.1% of other South African companies.

On March 27, 2017, the Ministry of Commerce released Announcement No. 16 of 2017 on the anti-dumping investigation of imported methyl isobutyl (meth) ketone originating in Korea, Japan and South Africa. Methyl isobutyl (methyl) ketone is an excellent mid-boiling point solvent and organic synthesis of raw materials, a wide range of uses.


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