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来源: 编辑: 人气:936 时间:2012-01-17

  凯茵化工讯 德国化学品制造商Peter Greven Group通过收购Norac Additives上调了其在北美塑料添加剂市场所巴斯夫油性金属钝化剂 Irgamet 占的份额。

  Peter Greven Group于9月30日收购了Norac Additives,具体交易金额不详,并将该公司重新命名为了Norac Additives LLC。Norac的总部和研发实验室都在加利福尼亚州波摩娜,并且在阿拉巴马州海伦娜运营着一家厂。

  Norac市场营销经理James Murphy在一次电话采访中称,这是两家非常互补的企业,Norac的管理层和员工将继续原来的业务。

  Peter Greven北美销售都集中在制药、食品和化妆品等应用领域,但是该集团的 全Q业务也主要是向塑料等其他行业供应化学用品。该公司的美国办事处位于新泽西州。


Peter Greven acquires North American plastic additives business Norac

KIEMIN Chemicals Peter Greven Group, a German manufacturer of chemical products, raised its market share in plastic additives in North America by acquiring Norac Additives.

Peter Greven Group acquired Norac Additives on September 30 with an unspecified amount of transactions and renamed the company Norac Additives LLC. Norac's headquarters and R & D laboratories are in Pomona, California, and operate a plant in Helena, Alabama.

Norac Marketing Manager James Murphy said in a phone interview that they are two very complementary businesses and that Norac's management and staff will continue their business.

Peter Greven Sales in North America are concentrated in applications such as pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, but the Group's global business is primarily focused on supplying chemicals to other industries, including plastics. The company's U.S. office is located in New Jersey.

Norac manufactures release agents for metal-containing stearates, processing aids and various plastics for lubricants.


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