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来源: 编辑: 人气:1120 时间:2017-09-21

  凯茵化工讯 为协助解决“油改水”产业转型中遇到的诸多问题,7月17日,中国水漆研究院与中国水性涂料产业战略联盟联合发布了国内S颜料/染料份水漆行业产业发展蓝皮书——《水漆应用、评价及推广标准蓝皮书》。该蓝皮发布后,可为整个水漆及下游行业提供技术标准、使用规范和具体的评价体系。水漆行业上下游正结成合力,全面推进“油转水”。

  近年来,随着科技进步和国民经济的高速发展,环保法规的日趋完善。节资节能、保护环境,已成为 全Q各行各业面临的主要问题。涂料及其下游行业也不例外。自2015年以来,深圳、惠州、江苏、西安等地“油转水”政策相继出台,众多企业纷纷转型升级,“绿色环保、低碳节能”的水漆成为市场的新宠。





China's first blue paint industry book publishing industry

Kai Yan Chemical News To help solve the "oil to water" many problems encountered in the industrial restructuring, July 17, China Institute of Water Paint and waterborne coatings industry strategic alliance Launched the first Blue Book of Industrial Development in the Water-based Paint Industry --- Blue Book on Application, Evaluation and Promotion of Water-based Paints. After the release of the blue skin, the entire water paint and downstream industries to provide technical standards, the use of norms and specific evaluation system. Paint industry upstream and downstream are formed synergies, and fully promote the "oil to water".

In recent years, with the progress of science and technology and the rapid development of the national economy, the environmental protection laws and regulations are being perfected. Saving resources and protecting the environment have become the major problems facing all walks of life in the world. Paint and downstream industries are no exception. Since 2015, Shenzhen, Huizhou, Jiangsu, Xi'an and other places "oil to water" policies have been introduced, many enterprises have transformed and upgraded, "green, low-carbon energy-saving" paint the new darling of the market.

According to a recent study by the China Institute of Paint and Coatings, it shows that the emission of 0.8 kg of VOC can be reduced by 1 kg of paint compared to painting. Taking the total output of paint in China as 18,997,800 tons in 2016, for example, the proportion of paint accounts for 70%, and the amount of paint reaches as high as 13 million tons. If all over the country are launching paint coats, we can reduce over 10 million tons of VOC emissions, which is equivalent to fulfilling all the tasks required by the "13th Five-Year" Plan to reduce VOC emissions. Hong Ding Yi, president of China Water Paints Research Institute, told the reporter: "In the developed countries in Europe and the United States, the penetration rate of water-based paint reaches over 60% and the penetration rate of industrial paint reaches 40%. In China, industrial paint, for example, its application rate is less than 10%. The implementation of water-based paint coating is a revolution in the field of China.

With the concept of environmental protection enjoys popular support, the market is getting louder and louder than ever before. However, the realization of "oil-to-water transfer" is not as simple as imagining it. "Oil to water" involves the re-layout of the factory and production workshop, a comprehensive upgrade of assembly lines and painting equipment, training and upgrading of workers' skills and qualities, and many other aspects, the project is huge and complex, it is difficult to accomplish. It is reported that at present, for all sectors of the "oil to water" upgrade, there is a lack of authority and professional guidance.

Hua Wei, deputy secretary general of China Chemical Industry Association, said that to fully promote the "oil to water", we must strengthen the technical strength of domestic water-based paint and the right to speak in the industry, the application of water paint, evaluation, promotion, etc. All aspects of the authority of the standard guidance. The production of the "blue book of water paint application, evaluation and promotion standards" precisely aims at the current situation of this market, aiming to help the downstream industries such as industry and wood industry achieve rapid and effective transformation.


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