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巴斯夫增塑剂DOTP 在美投产

来源: 编辑: 人气:2074 时间:2012-01-18

  凯茵化工讯 日前,有媒体报道美国堪萨斯州立大学的物理学家可能找到了廉价量产石墨烯的方法,通过这种方法生产石墨烯只需三个简单步骤和使用三种简单材料。发明这种方法的克里斯 索伦森申请并获得了 。这一消息,引起了我国科研人员的高度关注与热烈议论。


  环境风险面前 寻找石墨烯制备新方法

  科学家预言石墨烯将“彻底改变21世纪”,有可能掀起一场席卷 全Q的颠覆性新技术新产业革命。为此,近10年来 全Q从事这个领域研究的科学家们,都力求在石墨烯的制备技术上尽快突破,期望能早日实现量产,抢占国际市场制高点。



  目前,产业上Hummers法用得较多,但该方法得到的石墨烯不 好,结构上有很多缺陷,同时该方法产生大量化学废液,存在一定的环境风险。正是由于在石墨烯制备上存在着明显的缺陷,任何国家政府都没有办法支持它的产业化。因此,近年来,各国科学家又潜心寻找石墨烯制备的新方法。

  海洋化工研究院 工程师孙春龙7月6日对科技日报记者说:“类似克里斯 索伦森的爆炸法制备石墨烯,国内也有人研究过,但至今没听说过有成功量产的消息。”

  市场需求虽大 石墨烯却难以量产

  由于石墨烯的结构特点,决定了石墨烯具有薄且坚硬,透光度好,导热性强,导电率高,结构稳定,电子迁移速度快等特性,市场应用前景广阔,近10年来,石墨烯概念在 全Q受到广泛追捧,国内对石墨烯的研发与应用热度,也是“水涨船高”,持续不减。





  基础研究尚欠火候 应用推广却已火热





  从概念走向应用 促使产业化健康发展






  题图 7月6日,在2017世界石墨烯创新大会上发布的《2016-2017中国石墨烯发展年度报告》显示,2016年以来,我国石墨烯企业爆发式增长,研发类企业占比约43%,突破应用领域多为触摸屏等产品零件,但完整成型的突破性终端产品并不多见,产品类型未成体系。报告认为,目前我国石墨烯产业仍处在概念导入期,是产业化突破的初期阶段,石墨烯产业成熟至少还需要5到10年的时间。

Graphene industry healthy growth but also "defeated false fire"

Kailin Chemical News Recently, there are media reports physicists at Kansas State University may find a cheap mass production of graphene, graphene production by this method only three simple steps and the use of three simple materials . Chris invented this method and filed a patent for it. This news has aroused great concern and heated discussion among our researchers.

What are the properties of graphene called "black gold"? What is the state of research and development and application of graphene in our country? Looking for Graphene for Environmental Risk Method

Scientists predict that graphene will "radically change the 21st century" and may set off a disruptive new technology and industrial revolution that has swept across the world. For this reason, in the past 10 years, scientists engaged in this field worldwide have sought to make breakthroughs in the preparation of graphene as soon as possible, hoping to achieve mass production at an early date and seize the commanding height in the international market.

Graphite is a lamellar structure with van der Waals interactions between layers and weak forces that can easily peel off. In 2004, researchers at the University of Manchester in England used graphite tape to repeatedly scratch graphite sheets until a single layer of graphite, known as graphene, was obtained. Tang Huang, an associate professor at Jiangsu Institute of Technology, said in an interview with Science and Technology Daily on July 4: "This two-dimensional carbon material shows excellent physical and chemical properties and has become a research focus in the fields of materials science, physics and chemistry. Introduction of Tang Huang, graphene preparation methods are many scientific research mainly micro-mechanical stripping method, chemical vapor deposition method, epitaxial growth method, redox method (Hummers method), in addition to the Hummers method, Graphene prepared by other methods of high quality, graphene is an indispensable method. However, the industrialization of mass production can not be limited to scientific research in the laboratory. At present, the industrial Hummers method is more used, but the graphene obtained by this method is not perfect and has many defects in structure. At the same time, the method produces a large amount of chemical waste liquid and poses some environmental risks. It is because of the obvious flaws in the preparation of graphene that no government in any country can support its industrialization. Therefore, in recent years, scientists from all over the world have devoted themselves to finding new methods for preparing graphene. Sun Chunlong, senior engineer of the Institute of Marine Chemical Industry, told Science and Technology Daily on July 6 that graphene has been studied in the explosive method similar to that of Chris S midonsen, but so far it has not been heard Said a successful mass production of news. Due to the structural characteristics of graphene, graphene has a thin and hard, good transmittance, strong thermal conductivity, conductive High rate, stable structure, fast electron transfer and other characteristics of the market prospects for the broad application of graphene in the world over the past 10 years has been widely sought after the domestic graphene R & D and application of heat, but also "going up" Less.

Despite the large market demand, graphene has been difficult to mass-produce. "The point is that we have to solve some important technical problems. Tang Huang told reporters that at present, graphene in the industry is still a lack of uniform quality standards. The technology and standards have also become a huge stumbling block to the industrialization of graphene. The industrialization of graphene still has a long way to go.

What is the difference between a single layer and multiple layers? According to Tang Huang, graphene can generally be divided into single layer graphene, double layer graphene, few layer graphene and multi-layer graphene according to the number of layers. Among them, the single-layer graphene is a strictly graphene, a few layers of graphene consists of 3 & mdash; 10 layers. When the number of layers is more than 10 layers, it is generally called multi-layer graphene. Because the excellent performance of graphene will be significantly reduced with the increase in the number of layers, the industry believes that more than 10 layers do not have the excellent performance of graphene materials. July 6, for many years engaged in research and development of China Carbon Valley Technology Group Chief Expert Dai Jia Long told Science and Technology Daily reporter said: "It should be said that the international graphene preparation technology, our country in the international Synchronized level. In addition to the commonly used redox and liquid stripping method, we adopt the research of production, study and research by Carbon Valley Technology. Using high-quality large-scale graphite as raw material, microlayer graphene is obtained by micro-mechanical stripping method. Its main advantage is the aspect ratio Large, pollution-free production process, retaining the excellent mechanical properties and electrical properties of 2D materials. "With the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University Nanoscience and Technology Research Center Director Liu Zhongfan's words," Carbon Valley technology unique segmented micro-mechanical stripping process in the current international graphene industry is facing a variety of Constraints and bottlenecks, creating a new path of development for the large-scale application of graphene industry played a very good lead role.

Sun Wenlong told reporters that the recent industrial application of graphene, heavy duty coatings, graphite Vinyl heat film, graphene-based batteries, made some progress. But in fact, these applications are rightGraphene quality requirements are not too high, although some areas of commercialization of products, performance and did not reflect the astonishing effect. Even in the field of new energy, the performance of some graphene conductive agents can not be compared with that of carbon nanotubes, which is itself related to the number of layers of graphene, indicating that the graphene technology is not yet mature, and graphene can only replace part of the traditional materials . In the words of Daikalon, the concern of graphene preparation technology is not as good as a few years ago, and many companies are focused on the application of graphene, that graphene preparation technology has matured, but the Graphene application product results are unsatisfactory. The current situation of domestic graphene point of view, the entire industry is still in its infancy, did not enter the industrialization.

Reporters learned that, so far, no single-layer graphene in the world production. Graphite resources are abundant in our country and their output accounts for about 70% of the world's total. However, some places confound graphene and graphite resources. As long as the graphite resources are discovered locally, the concept of graphene is explored and the graphene industry relies on graphite resources planning Garden stereotyped, homogenization is very serious. In recent years, some research institutes in China and manufacturing enterprises in the field of materials have invested a lot of money into the graphene blindly when the concept is still vague and lack of development capability. As a result, graphene Research institutes, graphene industry base, graphene new material park blossom everywhere. Let experts worry that the key core technology of graphene has not been resolved, the real graphene products have not come out, some research and development and production units, began lobbying development success. Now, from "hot research and development" to "application of hot", a wide range of application promotion conference, it is overwhelming. At present, the domestic graphene practitioners, the vast majority of small and medium enterprises, most of the annual sales only in the hundred Million or so, and the lack of product development capabilities. Therefore, some foreign companies that claim to have an annual production capacity of 100 tons have far failed to achieve the expected output and profitability, leaving most enterprises at a loss.

Beijing MoE Technology Development Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Zou Chuanquan said: "The current domestic graphene" virtual fire "excessive. If the key technologies are not resolved, stay low, 5 to 8 years, there will be a large number of enterprises fell. Dai Jia-Long believes that in this craze of graphene, some places and enterprises embarked on the other extreme, the graphene as stimulating economic development "magic pill" & rdquo; To an irrational "fanaticism", seriously affecting the healthy development of graphene industry. How to eliminate the excess of "virtual fire" Experts suggest that we must not look dead on the graphene "alone bridge", in fact, the use of graphite resources can be developed a lot of products, Local governments and enterprises should be based on local conditions, around the market to develop multi-species, high value products.

Sun Chunlong told reporters that China has a vast anti-corrosion coatings market, of which the growing demand for marine heavy duty coatings. With the concentrated introduction of graphene-based heavy-duty anti-corrosive coatings by a number of domestic research institutes and enterprises, it not only has great significance for the development of anti-corrosive coatings, but also serves as a breakthrough to promote the industrialization of graphene. It will strongly promote the development of graphene From concept to application development. On July 6, "2016-2017 Annual Report on Graphene Development in China 2017" released at the 2017 World Graphene Innovation Conference shows that the graphene enterprises in China have exploded in growth since 2016, and research and development Enterprises accounted for about 43%, breaking the application areas are mostly touch screen and other product components, but a complete breakthrough in the formation of terminal products are rare, the product type is not a system. The report holds that, at present, China's graphene industry is still in the concept of the introduction period, is an early stage of industrialization breakthrough, graphene industry at least take 5 to 10 years to mature.


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