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科思创投资2亿欧元提升西班牙 MDI产能

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  凯茵DSM帝斯曼水性聚氨酯分散体NeoR化工讯 12月11日,巴斯夫宣布一座新的世界级汽车涂料生产装置在位于漕泾的上海化学工业区竣工投产。

  项目总投资为 1.4 亿欧元(约合人民币11亿元),是对巴斯夫与上海华谊精细化工有限公司合资的现有汽车涂料生产装置的扩建。本次扩产将进一步增强巴斯夫的本地生产网络,更好地服务中国和亚太区日益增长的汽车市场。

  2016 年,亚太区轻型车产量为 4,860 万辆,约占 全Q的 52%。巴斯夫涂料部总裁 Dirk Bremm 表示:“ 全Q汽车市场预计将继续大幅增长,中国市场是好大的增长驱动力。上海新装置的投产将帮助我们支持客户的增长,积极推动中国汽车市场的发展。”


  新装置生产的产品包括稀释剂、中涂、清漆和水性色漆。到 2018 年底,一个全新的汽车应用中心将为其提供研发支持,使汽车制造商得益于巴斯夫亚太创新园(上海)的先进研发设施,包括用于涂装的 3D 机器人。

BASF new automotive coating plant put into operation in Shanghai

December 12, BASF announced a new world-class automotive paint production plant in Shanghai's chemical industrial park in Caojing completed and put into production.

With a total investment of 140 million euros (approximately RMB1.1 billion), the project is an expansion of the existing automotive paint manufacturing plant, a joint venture between BASF and Shanghai Huayi Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. This expansion will further enhance BASF's local production network to better serve the growing automotive market in China and the Asia Pacific region.

In 2016, the production of light vehicles in the Asia Pacific region was 48.6 million units, accounting for about 52% of the global total. Dirk Bremm, President of BASF Coatings, said: "The global automotive market is expected to continue to grow substantially, with the Chinese market being the biggest driver of growth. The commissioning of new facilities in Shanghai will help us to support our customers' growth and actively promote the development of China's auto market.

This advanced unit will be the production hub for solvent-borne and water-borne coatings, closely linked to the existing automotive coating, resin and electrophoretic paint manufacturing infrastructure and R & D laboratories.

Products produced by the new unit include thinner, midcoat, varnish and waterborne paints. By the end of 2018, a new automotive applications center will provide R & D support to automakers to benefit from BASF's advanced R & D facilities in Shanghai, including 3D robots for painting.


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