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来源: 编辑: 人气:856 时间:2014-09-17










Supply and demand cost game PTA fluctuated in the fourth quarter

Since the third quarter, the PTA futures price as a whole has shown a rally at a low level and recorded a rally in the first quarter of this year. As of yesterday's close, PTA main contract trading at 5156 yuan / ton. Analysts believe that the third quarter PTA strong performance, the future production of new and old devices is the market supply and demand changes in the pattern of the biggest variables, but the cost and consumption support, there is still room above the price.

tight supply and demand led the period of price rebound

From the recent dominance of factors, China Futures Energy Chemical Group analyst Zhang Lingjun, Liu Hui, Zhang Tao said the recent PTA market mainly focused on the three major Variables: Fluctuations in domestic commodity prices, supply reductions due to PTA overhauls and strong downstream demand.

From a fundamental perspective, the PTA production capacity has become the largest variable in the market supply and demand pattern conversion. According to the analysis of Zhongda Futures Energy & Chemical Group, the overall inventory level of PTA in the third quarter is estimated to be 639,000 tons, continuing the inventory rhythm since the second quarter and the overall market supply and demand is tight. From the impact of overhaul, Golden Link analysts Qiu Qianqian analysis shows that from September to October 2017, domestic PTA maintenance efforts are far less than 2015, 2016, but did not form a bear market for PTA. With the disclosure of Xianglu and Far Eastern fixtures, there was a slight pessimism in the venue. In addition, Tongkun new production 2.2 million tons will also drive, to a certain extent, suppress the formation of short-term prices. "PTA market in the short term or difficult to significantly improve the continuation of shock probability of observation is too large.

Cost and Consumption Endurance

From the cost end, there is still room for improvement in PTA price. China Futures Energy and Chemical Group said that in the fourth quarter, after the end of the refinery inspection season, the crude oil market is expected to continue its operation of inventory. The crude oil prices in WTI and Brent are expected to be suppressed first and then decreased. PX fundamentals are relatively good, the market is expected to enter the inventory stage, and the oil price is expected to show some cost-support role, are formed on the PX price trend is good, while conducive to PX and naphtha spreads repair. From the demand point of view, "the fourth quarter of downstream polyester overall demand performance is expected to be relatively good; October Jiaxing Petrochemical new unit opened before operation, PTA market supply and demand is still tight; if the new device in November Jiaxing Petrochemical Scheduled delivery, and Xianglu Renhua Bin no reboot expected, PTA market supply and demand structure is expected to be close to equilibrium; if Xianglu and Huabin solve the current problems smoothly restart, the PTA market supply and demand will be reversed for the relaxed pattern. "The group thinks.

Zhangling Jun, Liu Hui, Zhang Tao said that in the fourth quarter, consumption is expected to be the downstream polyester business conditions improve and promote the launch of new and old equipment, the overall demand is expected to show relatively good, PTA device is now running smoothly run a greater probability The production of new and old devices is the biggest change in the market supply and demand pattern. Such as Xiang Lu and Huabin delivery nodes pushed back, the market supply and demand is expected to maintain a tight balance; if the device can be put on schedule, the market will re-enter the stage of oversupply. In addition, crude oil and PX prices boosted by the recovery in demand, the price is expected to remain relatively firm, the PTA will also constitute a cost support role. Operation, it is advisable to think wide shocks, the estimated 1801 contract operating range of 5,000 yuan / ton-5700 yuan / ton.


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