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来源: 编辑: 人气:879 时间:2017-06-26

  凯茵化工讯 据安迅思新闻新加坡9月8日消息,安迅思周四晚收到的一份锦湖三增韧剂井化学公司(KMCI)给客户的一封信称,受原材料一氧化碳供应短缺的影响,KMCI位于韩国丽水的MDI装置当前的产能利用率水平正处于好小化状态运营。




The shortage of raw materials forced KMCI in South Korea to lower its MDI plant

KAYNE Chemical According to An XunSin news SINGAPORE, Sept. 8, Anchorage received a letter to customers from Kumho Mitsui Chemicals Co. (KMCI) late Thursday saying it was affected by the supply of raw materials of carbon monoxide In the absence of a shortage, KMCI's current capacity utilization of its MDI plant in Yeosu, South Korea, is operating at a minimized level.

Although this letter to customers did not specify the minimum capacity utilization, it supported previous information that the company previously said that due to a shortage of carbon monoxide supply, the MDI unit has been operating for the first half of August Since the capacity utilization rate of only 60% -70%.

In this letter of September 4, KMCI wrote to Client's Letter: "We expect this state of minimum operation to continue through March 2018. KMIC said in a letter that a shortage of carbon monoxide supplies was associated with a fire at the GS-Caltex heavy oil refinery on August 10.


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