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来源: 编辑: 人气:4403 时间:2017-07-20

  9月22日,由神雾科技集团研究院和北京华福工程公司联合开发的“乙炔加氢制乙烯工艺及装备”通过了中国石油(8.040, -0.05, -0.62%)和化学工业联合会组织的科技成果鉴定。业内人士表示,“乙炔加氢制乙烯技术”是现代煤化工工艺领域一项突破性技术,有望降低我国乙烯的对外依存度。


  利用“乙炔加氢制乙烯技术及装备”建设的中试装置,经现场72小时满负荷考核表明,乙炔转化率达到98.90%,乙烯选择性达到91.06%。该成果目前申请国内外 58项,已获授权 32项。鉴定委员会一致认为,该技术及装备具有重要推广意义,建议加快大型工业示范装置的建设。



China's "acetylene ethylene" technology breakthrough

On September 22, "Acetylene Hydrogenation to Ethylene Technology and Equipment" jointly developed by Shenwu Technology Group Research Institute and Beijing Huafu Engineering Company passed "China Petroleum" (8.040, -0.05, -0.62%), And Chemical Industry Federation organized the identification of scientific and technological achievements. Insiders said, "acetylene hydrogenation to ethylene technology" is a breakthrough in the field of modern coal chemical technology, is expected to reduce China's dependence on foreign ethylene.

It is understood that after on-site questioning and discussion, review of project research and development reports and third-party testing and evaluation reports and other sectors, the appraisal committee believes that Shenwu "acetylene hydrogenation to ethylene process and equipment" has filled the domestic and foreign high Concentration of acetylene ethylene technology gap, innovative outstanding. Appraisal Committee consists of nine domestic and foreign well-known chemical experts from Tsinghua University, Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Petrochemical Planning Institute, Tianchen Company, Shenhua Research Institute, China University of Mining and Technology, Shanxi Luan Group and other units. Academician Jin Yong of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Shu Xingtian academicians were appointed as appraisal committee director and deputy director.

The pilot plant built with "acetylene hydrogenation to ethylene technology and equipment" was tested at full load for 72 hours on site. The conversion of acetylene reached 98.90% and the selectivity of ethylene reached 91.06%. The achievements of the current application for 58 patents at home and abroad, has been granted 32 patents. Appraisal Committee agreed that the technology and equipment has an important promotion, it is proposed to speed up the construction of large-scale industrial demonstration device.

Shenwu Technology Group is principally engaged in the development, transformation and marketing of efficient and clean coal utilization technologies. In view of the abundant coal resources in our country and the huge market demand for raw materials for chemical raw materials, Shenwu Technology Group has independently developed "a new process for the production of regenerative calcium carbide" and achieved the continuous and stable operation of industrial demonstration devices and expanded the deep processing of downstream products of acetylene Paths and possibilities. On this basis, through the in-depth development of "ethylene acetylene hydrogenation to ethylene technology", we have formed the technical system of acetylene coal chemical industry with unique features of Shenwu. Compared with the traditional coal gasification coal chemical technology, the technology system has the advantages of small investment intensity, high energy conversion efficiency, low water consumption, low CO2 emissions and low production cost, and realizes the technology of coal classification and utilization in China New breakthroughs, the current number of industrial demonstration projects under construction.

According to the expert's analysis, after the large-scale popularization of this technology, it can effectively reduce the foreign dependence of ethylene in our country, and then relieve the industrial pressure of naphtha cracking to produce olefins. This will be of great significance to ensuring the healthy development of our economy and ensuring the national energy security It is strategic. Jin Yong, director of the Appraisal Committee and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said: "This technical achievement makes it possible to scale ethylene to hydrogenation of acetylene, creating new opportunities for the healthy and sustainable development of ethylene and its downstream industries in our country. The development of chemical industry and to create a diversified ethylene raw materials production line is of great significance. & rdquo;


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