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来源: 编辑: 人气:1286 时间:2017-06-26

  凯茵化工讯 8月28日,陶氏化学公司和沙特阿美石油公司宣布签署了一份无法律约束力的谅解备忘录(MOU),规定了陶氏另从沙特阿美手中购入15%双方合资企业Sadara化学(Sadara)股权的流程。目前Sadara股权分配是沙特阿美石油公司65%,陶氏35%。此次股权交易结束后,陶氏和沙特阿美将各持有Sadara 50%的股权。

  “Sadara是沙特阿美和陶氏为推动市场发展、促进国家经济多元化合作推出的一个解决方案,足以改变整个行业格局。”陶氏董事长兼S席执行官Andrew Liveris表示,“增加我们在该合资企业中的股权占比是体现我们与沙特阿美战略合作伙伴关系的强有力的例子,也是驱动陶氏长期发展战略的加速器,抓住发展中地区交通运输、基础设施、包装和消费品等主要终端市场日益增长的消费需求。”

  沙特阿美总裁兼S席执行官Amin H. Nasser表示:“陶氏是世界优良的化学品公司,我们很荣幸能与陶氏合作。陶氏持有Sadara大量股份是对沙特活跃生态系统的认可,更体现了陶氏对我们互利互惠、外商直接投资模式的合作德国巴斯夫 LUWAX®EAS5 丙烯酸伙伴关系很有信心。现在是时候充分利用陶氏 全Q领导力,进一步推动沙特经济转型,实现2030愿景了。“

  陶氏和沙特阿美将平分股权,若(i)材料科学公司(Materials Science Company)在陶氏与杜邦(纽约证券交易所市场代码:DD)8月31日完成合并后18个月内解散,且( ii)Sadara完成了债权人可靠性测试(这是用于资助Sadara项目开发的有限追索权融资的一部分)。此次潜在股权交易预期会有哪些财务影响尚未披露。Sadara的财务结构和治理方式保持不变。


Dow and Saudi Aramco Sign Memorandum on Adjusting Ownership Structure of Sadara

KAY Chemical News On August 28, The Dow Chemical Company and Saudi Aramco announced that they have signed a non-legally binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that provides Dow with a 15% stake in Saudi Aramco, The process of Sadara's stake in the joint venture. Sadara now shares the distribution of Saudi Aramco 65%, Dow 35%. After the deal, Dow and Saudi Aramco will each hold a 50% stake in Sadara.

"Sadara is a solution that Saudi Aramco and Dow launched to promote market growth and promote diversification of the country's economy, enough to change the landscape of the industry." "Andrew Liveris, chairman and chief executive officer of Dow, said" increasing our stake in the joint venture is a strong example of our strategic partnership with Saudi Aramco and a catalyst for Dow long-term growth strategy Accelerators to capture the growing consumer demand in major end markets such as transportation, infrastructure, packaging and consumer goods in developing regions. Amin H. Nasser, President and Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Aramco, said: "Dow is the world's leading chemical company and we are proud to be working with Dow. Dow's substantial holding of Sadara's shares is a recognition of Saudi's active ecosystem and reflects Dow's confidence in our partnership of mutual benefit and foreign direct investment. Now is the time to take full advantage of Dow's global leadership to further the economic restructuring in Saudi Arabia and realize Vision 2030. Dow and Saudi Aramco will split shares if (i) the Materials Science Company is consolidated on August 31 between Dow and DuPont (NYSE: DD) Dismissed within 18 months from the end of the trial, and (ii) Sadara completed the Creditor Reliability Test (which is part of the limited recourse financing to fund Sadara project development). The financial implications of this potential equity transaction are yet to be disclosed. Sadara's financial structure and governance remain the same.

Sadara Plant is the largest integrated chemical production facility in the world with the largest installations currently in existence. There are now 26 world-class plants operating to produce high-performance and high-value plastic products and specialty chemicals. Putting more than 3 million tonnes of high performance products into the packaging, transportation, infrastructure and consumer markets will add a new value chain to Saudi Arabia's rich hydrocarbon reserves, ultimately leading to economic and regional diversification.


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