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巴斯夫和 bse合作开发二氧化碳生产甲醇技术

来源: 编辑: 人气:834 时间:2017-06-26

  凯茵化工讯 日本住友化学周四表示,住友将向泰国PTT 全Q化学公司(PTTGC)授权环氧丙烷(PO)制造技术,PTTGC可在其新建于罗勇的20万吨PO厂启用该技术。



Sumitomo granted Thailand PTT propylene oxide technology license

KAY Chemical Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Chemical said on Thursday that Sumitomo will license the manufacturing technology of propylene oxide (PT) to PTT Global Chemical Company (PTTGC) in Thailand, and that PTTGC will enable the project at its newly built 200,000 t PO plant in Rayong technology.

Specific financial details of the transaction have not been disclosed.

Sumitomo Corporation said in a statement that the plant is part of a new PT and poly polyol plant owned by PTTGC and is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2020.


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