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来源: 编辑: 人气:1061 时间:2015-07-15

  凯茵化工讯 巴斯夫和 bse Engineering 近日签署了一份 联合开发协议,利用二氧化碳和过剩电流生产甲醇。

  bse Engineering 开发的新工艺可通过小型移动生产单元实现电流和二氧化碳的可持续利用,这些生产单元建在产生过剩电流和二氧化碳的地方,例如:可再生能源电厂和产生二氧化碳的的大型工业生产装置附近。S先过剩电流通过不连续电解产生氢气,然后通过二氧化碳和氢气生产甲醇,好终过剩的电流和二氧化碳废气能够稳定地持续利用。


  bse Engineering 董事总经理 Christian Schweitzer 表示:“在经历了长达四年的 全Q工艺方案开发后,我们即将进入工艺授权阶段,高套装置的建设施工也将很快展开。由 Aker Solutions ASA、Sulzer Chemtech AG、InfraServ GmbH & Co.、KnapsaPVC树脂粉ck KG 等 全Q知名厂商组成的可靠联盟,通过各自的工艺和部件服务部门确保这些项目的顺利实施。”

BASF partners with bse to develop carbon dioxide for methanol production

Kairin Chemical News BASF and bse Engineering recently signed an exclusive joint development agreement to produce methanol from carbon dioxide and excess electricity.

bse Engineering has developed a new process that enables the sustainable use of current and CO2 through small mobile production units built around areas where excess current and CO2 are generated, such as renewable power plants and carbon dioxide-generating Near the large industrial production plant. First of all, excess current is generated by discontinuous electrolysis of hydrogen, and then methanol is produced by carbon dioxide and hydrogen. As a result, excess current and carbon dioxide emissions can be stably used continuously.

In the second part of the process, BASF's catalysts will be used to synthesize methanol. These catalysts have been tailored to the new process to ensure maximum methanol production efficiency.

Christian Schweitzer, managing director of bse Engineering, said: "After four years of global process development, we are about to enter the process authorization phase, and the construction of the first plant will start soon . A reliable alliance of world-renowned manufacturers such as Aker Solutions ASA, Sulzer Chemtech AG, InfraServ GmbH & amp; Co., Knapsack KG ensures the smooth implementation of these projects through their own processes and components services. & rdquo;


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