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来源: 编辑: 人气:824 时间:2017-07-14

  中国石油化工集团公司发布消息称, 8月1日,镇海炼化“东海炉王”创新团队成立,该创新团队由多专业融合,致力于乙烯裂解炉创新管理和后备人才库建设,打造“东海炉王”成为运行质量、能耗能效、智能智慧、环保清洁等全方位品牌,使之成为镇海炼化的“名片”。




Zhenhai Refinery ethylene cracking furnace set up an innovative team

China Petrochemical Corporation released news that on August 1, Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd. established "East China Sea Furnace King" Innovation Team, which is a multi-disciplinary team dedicated to innovative management of ethylene pyrolysis furnace and reserve personnel pool Construction, to create "East China Sea Furnace King" has become a running quality, energy efficiency, smart intelligence, environmental protection, cleaning and other omni-directional brand, making Zhenhai Refining & Chemical's "business card".

There are 12 ethylene cracking furnaces in Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd., of which the capacity ranges from 100,000 to 200,000 tons / year. The cracking furnace is the most crucial equipment in the refining and chemical integrated chain, Grab the all-encompassing "cow nose". Since its commencement in 2010, Zhenhai Refining & Chemical has always adhered to the management concept of "Smooth and Optimized". Under the management and technology dual-drive, the overall operation of ethylene cracker remains the leading one. The performance evaluation of ethylene pyrolysis unit of Solomon Company in the United States, Three consecutive times to reach the world's leading level.

A new generation of "King of Furnaces" has integrated many disciplines in process, equipment, instrumentation, electrical and information to improve operation and management level, informatization level, energy efficiency and safety and environmental protection of pyrolysis furnaces, And maintain the domestic leader as a vision. Use of information technology to optimize the cracking furnace, get rid of empiricism. The team leader team leader, the core team members and team members to do a good job with the core staff reserve staff reserve personnel have replacement staff, the formation of a contingent of qualified personnel echelon, to avoid the talent fault.


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