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供给不稳 TDI与环氧丙烷价格再度拉涨

来源: 编辑: 人气:859 时间:2017-07-14

  凯茵化工讯 据普氏能源资讯休斯敦8月9日消息,泰国因多拉玛公司在周发布的业绩报告中称,公司准备在今年第四季度重启位于路易斯安娜州莱克查尔斯附近的一套处于闲置状态的乙烷裂解装置。





  据因多拉玛公司网站称,公司在得州Clear Lake的环氧乙烷和乙二醇装置拥有55万吨/年的环氧乙烷和乙二醇产能。

Indorama plans to restart the Louisiana ethylene plant in the fourth quarter

凯茵 化工 According to Platts Energy Information HOUSTON, August 9, Thailand, Indola reported in the weekly performance report said the company is preparing to restart in the fourth quarter of this year, located near Lake Charles, Louisiana A set of ethane cracker in idle state.

Indorama said in a statement: "Approximately 90% of the unit's production will be used as feedstock for the company's ethylene oxide / ethylene glycol unit in Texas."

The current unused cracker was acquired by Dolamar in September 2015 to produce 420,000 tons of ethylene and 20,000 tons of propylene per year.

This unit, previously owned by Quantum, Inc., has been inactive since Feb. 17, 2001, primarily due to reduced demand for petrochemical derivatives and rising oil, gas and electricity prices.

Indolara has entered into a long-term supply agreement for ethane and propane with Targa Resources and an ethylene pipeline transportation and storage agreement with Boardwalk Louisiana Middle Range Company.

According to Indorama's website, the company has 550,000 tonnes of ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol capacity at its ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol units in Clear Lake, Texas.


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