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来源: 编辑: 人气:838 时间:2016-05-12

  凯茵化工讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦8月14日消息,安迅思(ICIS)周一发布的赢利报告称,截止8月11日当周,亚洲乙烯利润创下自5月初和末期以来的好高水平。






The rise in spot prices led to a substantial increase in ethylene production profits in Asia

KAYNE Chemical News According to Hussein News Houston, August 14, ICIS reported a profit on Monday that as of August 11, ethylene profit in Asia hit a record high since the beginning of May and the end of the period The highest level.

Ethylene profit from naphtha in Northeast Asia increased significantly by 24% last week, while ethylene profit from liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) increased by 21%. Southeast Asia, naphtha-based and LPG-based ethylene profit increased by 28%.

The substantial increase in profits hit naphtha-based ethylene profits in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia to the highest level since the week of May 5.

Northeast Asia's LPG base ethylene profit hit the highest level since the week of May 19, while Southeast Asia's LPG base ethylene profit hit its highest level since the week of May 26.

The substantial increase of ethylene profit in Asia was mainly due to the increase of ethylene spot price in Northeast Asia last week by US $ 100 / tonne and that of Southeast Asia by US $ 95 / tonne.

At the same time, the cost of raw materials for ethylene production decreased, the cost of raw materials for base naphtha ethylene production decreased by US $ 25 / tonne, and the cost of raw materials for LPG-based ethylene production decreased by US $ 12 to US $ 13 / tonne.


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