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中石化在“2+26”炼厂 提前完成国6升级

来源: 编辑: 人气:826 时间:2017-07-14

  凯茵化工讯 英国《自然 通讯》杂志27日发表的一项环境科学研究表明,一种此前“被忽视的化学物质”——二氯甲烷可能正在推动臭氧层的消耗。根据二氯甲烷排放情形来看,近年来它的增加可能使南极臭氧层的恢复进程放缓5年至30年。科学家呼吁,未来进行臭氧层预测时必须将这种消耗臭氧层的物质考虑在内。



  此次,英国兰卡斯特大学科学家雷恩 霍塞尼及其同事通过观察,并使用 全Q化学输运模型进行模拟,检查了未来平流层氯水平和臭氧层水平对持续的二氯甲烷增长的敏感度。他们的预测结果表明,如果二氯甲烷按照2004年至2014年间观察到的平均速度持淀粉醚续增长,则南极的臭氧层恢复进程将推迟30年;如果二氯甲烷浓度维持在目前水平,那么该进程只会推迟5年。


Dichloromethane actually "escaped" UN supervision

Kailin Chemical News An environmental science study published by Nature & Middot; Communications magazine on the 27th shows that a previously neglected chemical substance "is likely to promote ozone in the ozone layer Consumption. According to the case of methylene chloride emissions, its increase in recent years may slow the recovery process of the Antarctic ozone layer from 5 to 30 years. Scientists have called for such ozone-depleting substances to be taken into account in future projections of the ozone layer.

The ozone layer protects the Earth's creatures from the harmful effects of extreme ultraviolet radiation. After being depleted, the ozone layer causes a marked increase in ultraviolet light reaching the Earth's surface, posing a serious hazard to human health and the environment. In the 1980s, anthropogenic persistent chlorine species, such as chlorofluorocarbons, led to a decrease in the stratospheric ozone layer, most severely affected in Antarctica.

After the implementation of the UN Montreal Protocol to regulate emissions of ozone-depleting substances, the stratospheric ozone layer began to recover in 1987. At present, it is expected that the Antarctic ozone hole will be restored to its pre-1980 levels by the middle of this century. However, the increase of methylene chloride concentration in the atmosphere in recent years may result in depletion of the ozone layer. Methylene chloride, however, has a short shelf life and is not regulated by the Montreal Protocol. This time, the British Lancaster University scientist Ryan Huntsman and his colleagues observed and used the global chemical transport model to simulate the future stratospheric chlorine levels and the level of ozone to check Continued sensitivity to methylene chloride growth. Their predictions show that the process of recovery from the ozone layer in Antarctica will be delayed by 30 years if methylene chloride continues to grow at the average rate observed between 2004 and 2014; if the concentration of methylene chloride remains at current levels, the process will only Postponed for 5 years.

Although there is uncertainty about the future changes in methylene chloride, its concentration will likely fall within the growth range described in the paper without any regulatory requirements for emissions. As the lower stratospheric ozone layer changes the amount of solar radiation that reaches the earth, especially in the southern hemisphere, scientists emphasize that future climate predictions should take into account the potential slowdown of the ozone recovery process.


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