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来源: 编辑: 人气:819 时间:2013-12-06

  凯茵化工讯 当地时间6月30日,哈萨克斯坦奇姆肯特炼油厂现代化升级改造项目一期工程60万吨/年异构化装置生产出了符合欧IV和欧V标准的汽油,标志着这个中哈产能合作重点项目如期达到改造目标。



  “奇姆肯特炼油厂现代化升级改造项目是哈萨克斯坦2015年-2019年工业创新发展规划的重点项目,一期工程克服很多困难,建设得非常成功,对哈萨克斯坦炼油业的发展和成品油供应市场具有重要意义。”哈萨克斯坦国家石油天然气公司 副总裁吉野索夫在当天举行的投产仪式上对工程给予了高度评价。



Shymkent refinery upgrade project put into operation

June 30, Kazakhstan Kym Kent refinery modernization project a project 600,000 tons / year isomerization unit production The gasoline that meets Euro IV and Euro V standards marks that the key projects of China-Kazakhstan cooperation in energy production have met the goal of reconstruction as scheduled.

The Shymkent refinery, operated jointly by PetroChina and Kazakhstan's National Oil and Gas Company, was built in the 1980's in the state of South Kush, the capital of South Timor, at the junction of the ancient Silk Road. Kazakhstan one of the three major oil refineries. Reconstruction project started in January 2014, in two phases, one modified to produce Euro IV and Euro V standard auto-fuel target, improve manufacturing processes, improve the ability to process sour crude oil, environmental protection and the elimination of long-term safe The second phase of transformation is to restore design capacity of 6 million tons / year, increase processing depth, improve environmental standards, and transform some of the old public systems as the goal.

According to the design, upgrade, Shymkent refinery will be the international advanced level, environmental standards of modern factories, improving the local quality of oil to ease tensions domestic supply of high-grade gasoline Kazakhstan, It is of great significance to get rid of the dependence on refined oil imports and stabilize the market of oil products in South Kazakhstan and promote the application of clean energy effectively. Therefore, this reform project has been highly valued by the Kazakh government and has been listed as a strategic investment in Kazakhstan's state and supervised and managed as a state-level key project.

& ldquo; the Shymkent refinery modernization project is the upgrade of Kazakhstan in 2015 - 2019 key projects of industrial innovation and development planning, a project to overcome many difficulties, the construction was very successful for Kazakhstan oil refining industry The development and refined oil supply market is of great significance. "Yoshino Yoshio, Senior Vice President of National Oil and Gas Company of Kazakhstan, spoke highly of the project during the commissioning ceremony held on that day.

Experts believe that this reconstruction project is an important fulcrum of the project to deepen the Sino-Kazakh oil and gas cooperation, which led to the export of relevant technology, equipment, in & ldquo; along the way & rdquo; initiatives with Kazakhstan & ldquo; Bright Road "policy docking in the framework of cooperation between China and Kazakhstan for production capacity and facilities, a concrete manifestation of China Unicom. At the same time, it is far-reaching for Chinese enterprises to establish a good brand image in the refining and construction market in Central Asia.

to steadily push forward the project, Chinese oil companies in Kazakhstan under the strict control of investment situation, preferably has extensive experience in refinery construction equipment, has a high reputation in the Kazakh market, China Petroleum Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. ( CPECC) "In a turnkey" project undertaking. All construction units work together to overcome the local design standards are not familiar with project management procedures are complicated, inconvenient old factory construction and many other difficulties, on track to meet the target isomerization unit production and lay a solid foundation for the smooth implementation of the second phase of .


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