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萨德拉丙二醇 成功投产

来源: 编辑: 人气:829 时间:2017-06-26





  Rogers表示,在供应量方面,当前 全Q乙烷需求约为每天140万吨,乙烷的产能约为每天240万吨左右,产能在未来的两三年如果有一定的上升,供应量也将随之增加。   




  “如果你没有打算生产别的产品,只想要乙烯,就可以选择使用乙烷的技术路线,如果还想要其他产品的话,比如生产苯等副产品,建议就不要采用乙烷这条技术路线欧励隆(原) 49L了。”Tallman说。



  据了解,乙烷物流运输主要包括美国管道情况、出口终端情况、海上运输和中国接收终端情况。康泰斯集团执行副总裁Ajay Dashqutre表示,美国的管道设施已经非常完善,美国主要有两个出口乙烷的港口,一个是在南部的德克萨斯,一个是在北部的宾夕法尼亚,目前往欧洲和印度都有出口。




  至于海上船运,记者在采访中了解到,随着船舶技术的创新,更适合运输乙烷的船只已经被建造出来。Hartmann集团董事长Alfred Hartmann表示,从美国来到中国大约是2万千米,LPG、LNG船对乙烷的运输并不是很高效,为此Hartmann集团做了创新的的设计,这是一个更加创新、安全、灵活、经济、环保的液化气运输船,可以运输更多的乙烷。


Ethylene to Ethylene: The Three Core Issues You Care About, Experts Have Solutions

Recently, the ethane cracked ethylene process has quickly drawn the attention of domestic refining and petrochemical enterprises with its advantages of low cost, high yield and high return. But at the same time, many people in the industry think this route is still at risk. Logistics and supply have all become the focus of their attention. June 14-16 held in Beijing's "2017 (Sixth) Asian Refining and Petrochemical Technology Conference", "In the import of ethane as raw materials in China to develop ethane cracking ethylene feasibility study" & rdquo; & rdquo; In the interview session, several guests conducted wonderful discussions and dialogues on the following topics. In their view, supply, logistics and transportation are no longer problems.

Whether there is a problem with the supply of

Shi Xianping, vice president of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Institute believes that ethane cracking ethylene line has two major advantages: one Is a lower investment, and second, lower raw material costs, especially ethane is currently at a low price, probably lower than the naphtha 1000 ~ 2000 yuan / ton, a huge cost advantage. However, Shi Xianping cautioned that this route is not only advantageous but also has two disadvantages: one is the raw material risk issue, because there is no ethane resource in the country and mainly relies on imports from the United States, so there are resources, prices and logistics and transportation Of the risk; the other is the product is relatively single, the main products only ethylene, almost no other by-products, once the price of ethylene downstream products, manufacturers will be under great pressure.

According to Darryl W & Rogers, managing director of IHS Oil and NGL Midstream, the supply of ethane is not a major issue and price volatility remains the single biggest risk to the ethane-to-ethylene pipeline.

Rogers said that in terms of supply, the current global demand for ethane is about 1.4 million tons per day and the production capacity of ethane is about 2.4 million tons per day. If there is a certain increase in production capacity in the next two to three years , The supply will also increase.

Will the price fluctuate?

"The current prices of ethane are very low, and there is also a large amount of ethane that helps us to produce ethylene, but we need Consider some traditional cracker as an option because I think the price of ethane will not continue to be depressed. The price of ethane will be linked to the price of crude oil. Historically, according to the use of naphtha in China, the price of ethane may fluctuate greatly in the future. "Rogers said.

On the process side, Michael Bull & J Tall Tall, KBR's chief olefin technology advisor, believes that ethane crack yields can be up to 80%, something none of the other feedstocks can do.

& ldquo; If you do not intend to produce other products, only want ethylene, you can choose to use ethane technical route, if you want other products, such as the production of benzene and other by-products, it is recommended not to use Ethane this technical route. Tallman said.

Logistics construction is able to keep up with certain risks in terms of price, technology and so on. 123)

The industry believes that the logistics of ethane is more optimistic about the logistics and transportation.

It is understood that the transport of ethane mainly includes the situation of the United States pipeline, the export terminal, maritime transport and receiving terminals in China. Ajay Dashqutre, executive vice president of Kantis Group, said that the pipeline facilities in the United States have been very well established. The United States mainly has two ports of exportation of ethane, one in southern Texas and one in northern North Carolina, India has exports.

"If you export 1 million tons of ethane, you will need to build liquefying plants, storage and loading facilities at the terminals. These are not restrictions and as companies in China begin to purchase ethane or sign a contract of intent, companies that are interested in delivering such products will naturally emerge. "Dashqutre said.

"The situation in the United States is relatively optimistic. China does not have any problems in receiving. As long as our ethylene cracker is not very far away from the port, it can also be transported and stored by pipes. Some refrigeration equipment needs to be kept in storage , But it is not harder to receive LNG. Therefore, it should be said that as long as the U.S. export terminal can meet the supply, our receiving terminal should not have any problem. "Shi Xianping said. Dashqutre told reporters Dashqutre told reporters that China's east coast has a lot of receiving ports from the northern part to the southern part of the country. It is advisable for Chinese enterprises to construct storage tanks at these ports or upgrade the existing storage tanks to be used Ethane was received. Dashqutre said that in fact most need to consider is about the location of the construction of cracking furnace, the closer the receiving port the better, so as to reduce pipeline transportation inputs.

As for maritime shipping, the reporter learned from the interview that with the innovation of ship technology, ships more suitable for transporting ethane have been built. Alfred Hartmann, chairman of the Hartmann Group, said he came from the United StatesChina is about 20,000 km and the transport of ethane by LPG and LNG carriers is not very efficient. To this end, the Hartmann Group made an innovative design, which is a more innovative, safe, flexible, economical and environmentally friendly liquefied gas carrier , Can transport more ethane.

"We can have 6 voyages each year, for a total of 300,000 tons. If you have 1 million tons, we need 3.5 boats and a maximum of 4 boats is enough. "Hartmann said.


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