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韩华道达尔石化拟扩大PX 产能

来源: 编辑: 人气:840 时间:2017-06-26

  凯茵化工讯 华东师范大学路勇课题组在低温陶氏百历摩丙烯酸聚合物乳液AC-甲烷氧化偶联(OCM)制取烯烃研究上取得重要进展。相关成果日前发表于《科学进展》杂志。




Methane oxidative coupling to olefins to achieve low temperature catalysis

Kai Yan Chemical News East China Normal University Road Yong research group made in the low temperature methane oxidation coupling (OCM) olefins made important progress. Related results recently published in "Science Progress" magazine. According to reports, the current research on indirect synthesis of light olefins via synthesis gas through non-petroleum resources has made breakthrough progress in succession, but it is an indisputable step in the indirect synthesis process and the high temperature, high energy consumption and high material consumption of synthesis gas. fact. Therefore, the direct conversion of methane has always been an ideal route pursued by scientists, but it is extremely challenging.

Inspired by research on "Methane Low Temperature Electrochemical Oxidation to Methanol", researchers concluded that effectively reducing the activation temperature of oxygen molecules may be the "key" to opening the door to low-temperature OCM reactions. They put forward the new idea of ​​"low temperature chemical activation of oxygen molecules to drive low-temperature OCM reaction", targeted selection of titanium dioxide additives that can form compounds with MnxOy at low temperature, the relevant materials were modified so that After the reaction temperature dropped sharply from 800 ℃ to 900 ℃ to 650 ℃, methane conversion of more than 20% and product selectivity of more than 60% were obtained.

At the same time, the low-temperature chemical cycle produced synergistic catalysis with sodium tungstate to achieve highly selective regulation of the target product. The researchers also proposed a criterion for the rate of lattice oxygen conversion rate of the catalyst, that is, at any reaction temperature, the catalyst has good catalytic performance as long as the lattice oxygen conversion rate of the catalyst can reach the threshold and above. In addition, the catalyst has good stability and shows no sign of deactivation for stable operation at 720 ° C for 500 hours. At the same time, the selectivity of methane and other products, such as ethylene, remained above 26% and above 76%.


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