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来源: 编辑: 人气:805 时间:2017-06-23

  嘉吉收购了阿肯色州罗杰斯的BioBasedTechnologies的植物基多元醇业务Agrol 和其他资产,此举强化了其生物基多元醇生产能力。

  嘉吉的工业特种化学品和BioBasedTechnologies都是大豆基多元醇研发领域的行业领导者,这种多元醇是用于替代石油基多元醇以使生产商能够为客户提供更多可再生产品。嘉吉的BiOH 产品生产线为多个软泡市场供应生物基多元醇,包括床上用品,家具和汽车座椅。BioBasedTechnologies则为泡沫和其他产业市场供应天然多元醇。



  本次收购将BioBasedTechnologies的独特加工模式和嘉吉的 全Q生产能力结合在一起,同时运用两家公司的可再生化学技术。未来,嘉吉将能为客户提供天然多元醇比例更高的产品,减少对石化多元醇的以来,并以牺牲产品性能为代价。而且本次收购使嘉吉能够进入除泡沫市场外的更多种应用领域,比如弹性体、密封剂、涂料、胶黏剂和粘合剂,在这些产业提升可持续生产水平。

  “当把嘉吉的规模和资源与BioBasedTechnologies的技术结合在一起,我们将能在几年或几十年内持续在可再生化学领域做出可持续的进步。”原BioBasedTechnologiesCEO、现嘉吉工业特种化学品商务经理AmySorrell如此说。“当你同时用于BiOH 和Agrol 产品,你将在可持续聚氨酯应用领域获得巨大的计划。”

Cargill Acquires BioBased Technologies Polyol Business

Cargill acquired Agrol® and other assets from BioBased Technologies' plant-based polyol business in Rogers, Arkansas, which strengthened its biobased polyol production capabilities.

Cargill's Industrial Specialty Chemicals and BioBased Technologies are both industry leaders in the development of soy-based polyols used to replace petroleum-based polyols to enable manufacturers to offer their customers more Recycled products. Cargill's BiOH® product line supplies bio-based polyols, including bedding, furniture and car seats, to multiple soft bubble markets. BioBased Technologies supplies natural polyols for the foam and other industrial markets.


"The combination of BioBasedTechnologies and Cargill's assets and technologies will enable us to bring new innovations to our customers while expanding our business to serve new customers and markets." & rdquo; Eric Kyuckhoff, general manager of Cargill Industrial Specialty Chemicals in North America said so.

The acquisition combines BioBasedTechnologies 'unique processing model with Cargill's global production capabilities, using both companies' renewable chemical technologies. In the future, Cargill will be able to offer its customers products with a higher proportion of natural polyols, reducing the price of petrochemical polyols at the expense of product performance. The acquisition will also enable Cargill to reach more applications outside the foam market such as elastomers, sealants, coatings, adhesives and adhesives, and to promote sustainable manufacturing in these industries.

"When we combine Cargill's scale and resources with BioBasedTechnologies, we will be able to continue making sustainable progress in renewable chemistry within a few years or decades. "Former BioBased TechnologiesCEO, now Amy Sorrell, Cargill Industrial Specialty Chemicals Business Manager. "When you work with both BiOH® and Agrol® products, you get great planning for sustainable polyurethane applications." & rdquo;


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