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来源: 编辑: 人气:1090 时间:2016-12-19


  凯茵化工讯 5月25日,惠生工程技术服务有限公司宣布其非全资附属公司惠生工程(中国)有限公司与霍尼韦尔UOP正式签署甲醇制烯烃技术 全Q合作协议,双方将共同为 全Q客户提供甲醇制烯烃(MTO)技术和工程设计、采购和施工(EPC)总承包服务。


  凭借优良的技术研发水平,惠生成功开发了以 “预切割+油吸收”为核心的 MTO烯烃分离技术。该技术目前已在国内十套不同规模的煤制烯烃装置上得到应用,其中有4套装置已经顺利开车投产,并于2016年实现工业应用以来的烯烃收率好高值,同时也创造了目前 全Q同行业的好高水平。作为中国优良的化工领域工程总承包商,惠生工程正积极拓展海外甲醇制烯烃业务,尤其是覆盖从中国,经亚洲和欧洲,直至非洲的“一带一路”沿线区域。

  “‘一带一路’倡议旨在加强、促进中国与其有着数千年贸易往来的国家和地区间的交流、合作和贸易。”霍尼韦尔UOP总裁兼S席执行官李蓓凯(Rebecca Liebert)指出,“霍尼韦尔将和中国的优良企业一起,为‘一带一路’相关地区提供各种清洁能源和化工工艺技术,推动区域的经济发展。”

  惠生工程总工程师李延生表示:“我们非常高兴能与霍尼韦尔UOP合作,把 全Q优良的甲醇制烯烃技术以及我们的工程服务经验带到与中国有数千年贸易往来的国家及其企业中去。”甲醇制烯烃是一种创新的技术,能帮助煤和天然气资源丰富的国家和地区利用其丰富的煤和天然气储备来生产塑料,在俄罗斯、中亚、东南亚以及欧洲和非洲等国家都具有广阔的前景。”


  惠生集团是 全QS家采用霍尼韦尔UOP先进甲醇制烯烃工科莱恩光稳定剂TB-02 liquid艺技术的生产商,惠生工程也是霍尼韦尔UOP在中国7套甲醇制烯烃装置的设计或EPC承包商,同时惠生工程还是其中5套MTO装置烯烃分离部分的技术 商和工艺包提供商。


Wison Engineering and Honeywell UOP Sign Methanol Olefin Technology Global Cooperation Agreement

The photo shows the signing ceremony

Kai Yan Chemical News May 25, Wison Engineering Services Ltd. announced that its non-wholly owned subsidiary Wison Engineering (China) Co., Ltd. and Honey Weir UOP has formally signed a global agreement on methanol-to-olefins technology that will work together to provide methanol-to-olefin (MTO) technology and engineering EPC EPC contracting services to customers worldwide.

Through this agreement, Wiesen Engineering's independently developed olefin separation technology and its strong EPC service capabilities will be combined with Honeywell's UOP advanced process technology to help overseas customers further enhance their olefin production capacity while Save energy and reduce the total cost.

With its leading technology research and development, Wison has successfully developed the MTO olefin separation technology based on "pre-cut + oil absorption". The technology has now been applied to ten sets of coal-to-olefin plants of various sizes in China. Four of these facilities have been successfully started up and put into operation and achieved the highest olefin yield since industrial application in 2016. At the same time, The highest level in the industry. Wison Engineering, a leading general contractor in the chemical industry in the PRC, is actively expanding its overseas methanol-to-olefins business, covering areas along the "Belt and Road" from China to Asia and Europe as far as Africa. The "Belt and Road Initiative" aims to strengthen and promote exchanges, cooperation and trade between China and its countries and regions that have been traded for thousands of years. "Rebecca Liebert, president and CEO of Honeywell, UOP, said" Honeywell will work with China's leading companies to provide a variety of clean energy and chemical processes for the Belt and Road region Technology to promote regional economic development. "We are very pleased to be able to work with Honeywell UOP to bring the world's leading methanol-to-olefin technology and our engineering service experience to that of China," said Li Yansheng, chief engineer of Wison Engineering. Thousands of countries and businesses that trade. "Methanol to olefins is an innovative technology that can help countries rich in coal and natural gas use their abundant coal and natural gas reserves to produce plastics that they have in Russia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe and Africa Broad prospects. & rdquo;

"We and Honeywell have a long history of cooperation. The close cooperation between Wison Engineering and Honeywell UOP in overseas projects is another important milestone. "Combining the strengths of both parties, we can provide our customers with a complete suite of technical and engineering services for methanol-to-olefins and minimize energy consumption and product recovery rates," added Lee Yan-sheng.

Wison Group is the world's first producer of advanced methanol-to-olefins process technology from Honeywell UOP. Wison Engineering is also the design of 7 sets of methanol-to-olefins units from Honeywell UOP in China Or EPC contractor while Wison Engineering is also a technology patentee and process package provider for the separation of 5 olefins from MTO units.

Honeywell UOP is a leading international supplier and licensor specializing in technology, catalysts, adsorbents, processing equipment and consulting services for the refining, petrochemical and gas processing industries.


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