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来源: 编辑: 人气:917 时间:2017-06-23

  扬子石化、德国巴斯夫公司于2017 年 6 月1 日分别在中国南京/德M&C(马库斯)美国 聚乙烯蜡国路德维希港同时宣布,双方合资公司――扬子石化-巴斯夫有限责任公司(以下简称“扬巴公司”)启动新增丙酸产能3万吨/年项目,扩产后扬巴公司总的丙酸年产能可达 6.9万吨,新装置预计将于 2019 年 1 季度投产。


Sinopec and BASF Expand Propionic Acid Capacity in Nanjing Integrated Base

Yangzi Petrochemical, BASF in Germany, respectively, in Nanjing, China / Ludwigshafen, Germany, on June 1, 2017, announced at the same time that the joint venture company Yangzi Petrochemical-BASF Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " ") Initiated the project of adding 30,000 tons of propionic acid capacity per year. After the expansion, the total annual production of propionic acid in Yangba Company will reach 69,000 tons. The new plant is expected to be put into operation in the first quarter of 2019.

Yangzi Petrochemical Co., Ltd. ("BASF-BASF") is an integrated petrochemical production base jointly invested by Sinopec Corp. and BASF at a ratio of 50 to 50 and a total investment of 5.2 billion U.S. dollars. Founded in 2000, a project in June 2005 put into commercial operation.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
