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来源: 编辑: 人气:807 时间:2017-06-16



















PX turmoil, exposed the weaknesses of public administration of local government

Behind the environmental anxiety caused by the development of the polyester industry chain (middle)

The environmental anxiety caused by the proposed PX project of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical is only in recent years ; Multiple copies of the same case in the latest one.

Of course, there is no lack of understanding and judgment in the industry about such cases. For example, the China Chemical Society, one of the most important industrial communities, has the following introduction on its PX science special topic brochure : In addition to cognitive errors, the "boycott" of the PX project is even more public's dissatisfaction with the environmental and health hazards brought by extensive industrial development over the years, reflecting the deep-seated accumulation of China's industrial development, including the chemical industry The numerous issues worthy of government, business and all social aspects of profound reflection.

puzzling and puzzling is that "the domestic PX device itself does not have any problems" This statement, but acts as a public environment anxiety "Rendezvous" & rdquo .;

PX Paranormal Nearly Paranoid

Why PX but not other chemicals? The public from the first day of PX conflict, the industry its The reason of inquiry has not stopped. The result of in-depth inquiry leads to an emplacement of empathy and even empathy.

Wang Zhiqing, chairman and general manager of Shanghai Petrochemical Corporation, said that Shanghai Petrochemical now shipped two sets of 835,000 tons of PX production capacity, "for so many years, with the surrounding has been no problem" the idea of Although the reasons for the new project are blocked, the reason for empathy is that Shanghai, as an economically developed area, from the people to the local government, has a stronger will to transition to a higher-end economy and upgrade its industry to a lower-carbon economy. On the contrary, The enthusiasm for heavy chemical projects to boost GDP and employment is less than that in economically underdeveloped regions. This is reasonable.

However, we should consider empathy again. Among the major areas of external dependency of PX in China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, belong to economically developed and more developed countries and regions, and their PX site selection is not Square rumors that "distance of more than 100 kilometers from the city" & rdquo ;. According to the vice president of China Petrochemical Safety Engineering Research Institute Mou Shanjun introduction, "the distance is not a problem", the device can not guarantee safe production, environmentally friendly production, "This is the focus of government regulation". In fact, foreign PX devices from the residential area, and some very close, and some far? Yokohama plant in Japan just separated by a residential area, Singapore Jurong Petrochemical District 10 km from the urban area, Busan, South Korea plant from 40 km downtown but they do not have such a repulsive group of events. "Do you say that people's environmental protection concept, self-protection awareness as we? This may be the opposite, our conflict has considerable blindness.

Another example of blindness is that only PX, but almost ignores the same industry chain, the equivalent of dangerous naphtha, PTA, PET and so on. "Can not say that we build PX, PTA, PET and other production, from the import of PX and then extended to the downstream, more dangerous right?"

The depth of the reasons for the inquiry, and even oriented the original text Level: PX in the X, on behalf of the unknown, and "unknown things easily lead to fear" is human nature, which is not a PX paranoid misunderstanding an incentive?

To avoid the effect: challenge the government's public management capabilities

With the past anti-PX, the nexus effect, but also the typical characteristics of the Internet users stress response. In other words, "I know that PX is no problem, the country needs PX, but love to build which is built, that is, do not build in front of my house & rdquo ;.

Mou Shanjun explained the principle of PX project location from a professional point of view. Why in Xiamen, Dalian, Ningbo, Kunming, Maoming? "In fact, from the production, sales, safety, environmental protection point of consideration." Proceeding from this, Wang Zhiqing also said that the new PX project, Shanghai, Ningbo, Nanjing, "the best conditions", first, there are ready-made devices, and second, the upstream and downstream materials convergence convenient.

But this only solves the "why you want to build on your doorstep"; as for "can not be built at your doorstep", the problem is obviously much more complicated.

Cao Fengzhong, a researcher at the Environmental and Economic Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Environmental 手感助剂ion, pointed out that the frequent occurrence of PX turmoil reflected the weaknesses in the mechanism and system of public administration of local governments.

He summarized such environmental mass incidents as the process of repeated games between the government, the enterprise and the public based on the maximization of their own interests under the "double failure of the market and the government". This concept, system and operation, indeed, the ability of the government's public management put forwardA huge challenge.

The appeal of interests behind the incident is very complicated. In addition to the public's request for higher environmental rights and health rights, issues such as land acquisition and demolition, agricultural losses and labor disputes are sometimes involved. "Environmental protection only serves as a Concentration of interest demands focus burst point. It is understood that Jinshan District so far in Shanghai, the lowest price, was attributed to "a petrochemical industrial park".

More than one industry veteran directly pointed out that there are signs that the back of the incident does not rule out the promotion of profits for the purpose of exclusive market competition.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
