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来源: 编辑: 人气:1056 时间:2017-06-16

  凯茵化工讯 日本涂料控股株式会社表示,11月22日有媒体报道称公司正在研究收购美国一家企业(即艾仕得)或者与其合并经营,这一信息并非其主动散布的。







Libang issued a takeover offer to Axal Paint

KAY Chemical Co., Ltd. Japan Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. said that on Nov. 22, media reports said the company was studying the acquisition or merging of a U.S. company (ie, Axalta), and this information was not voluntarily distributed. However, Nikko Holdings confirmed that it was "a matter of fact" that the offer of offer to the company (ie, Axalta) mentioned in the article was "not a valid affirmation for this (takeover) proposal. Between the two companies to reach a consensus "

Nikko Holdings said that in the future once there is a definite and should be open fact, will be promptly open to the public.

According to a report in the Financial Times, Japanese coatings maker Nippon Paint Co., Ltd. has made an all-cash offer to Axalto Paint Systems Ltd., prompting the latter to end the deal with Dutch paint giant AkzoNobel M & A negotiations.

According to two insiders, Nippon earlier this Wednesday issued the offer, the valuation of Axalta is higher than its current share price. Earlier, Axalta and Akzo Nobel confirmed that the two sides have concluded the merger negotiations. The deal could have created a billion-dollar paint and coating giant.

Nippon Steel, which currently has a market capitalization of about $ 10.7 billion, lost 2.4% in early trading on Wednesday.


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