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来源: 编辑: 人气:2675 时间:2017-06-16

  凯茵化工讯 据《亚洲润滑油报告》11月28日消息,日本三井化学近来告诉《亚洲润滑油报告》,公司计划扩大旗下Lucant品牌的聚合物润滑油添加剂产能。



  2014年美国润滑陶氏油溶性染料棕色2XS油添加剂巨头路博润公司同意签署向 全Q润滑油行业出售lucant产品的一份 协议。三井化学的这种产品则转向塑料及树脂应用领域。

  根据路博润公司网站,lucant产品可以降低API II、III类基础油配方润滑油的粘度以满足合成配方的性能标准。这种烃基合成流体可溶于I、II、III和IV类基础油料,提供低温流动性。

Mitsui Chemicals plans to expand polymer lubricant additive production capacity

According to "Asia Lubricants Report" Nov. 28 message, Japan's Mitsui Chemicals recently told the "Asia Lubricants Report", the company plans to expand its Lucant brand of polymer lubricant additive production capacity.

Mitsui Chemicals spokesman said: "We are seeking to expand Lucant-branded polymer lubricant additive production capacity in Japan and overseas.

Mitsui Chemicals initially developed lucant polymer lubricant additive for use in the automotive lubricant market, a clear, viscous liquid. Mitsui Chemicals has about 18,000 tons / year of lucant branded polymer lubricant additive production capacity at Otake, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture.

2014 Lubrizol Corporation, a leading lubricant additive company in the United States, agreed to sign an exclusive agreement to sell lucant products to the global lubricant industry. Mitsui Chemicals is turning to plastic and resin applications.

According to the Lubrizol Corporation website, lucant products reduce the viscosity of API Group II, Group III base oil formula lubricants to meet performance standards for synthetic formulations. This hydrocarbon-based synthetic fluid is soluble in Group I, II, III and IV base stocks, providing low temperature fluidity.


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