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来源: 编辑: 人气:839 时间:2017-06-16

  凯茵化工讯 日本研究人员好新研发出一种更加疏水型处理型白碳黑安全的锂离子电池电解液,即便遇到高温等环境也不易燃烧或爆炸。


  来自东京大学等机构的研究人员在新一期英国《自然 能源》杂志上发文介绍说,他们研发的是一种含有阻燃剂磷酸三甲酯的高浓度电解液。这种电解液不易燃烧,并可实现高稳定充放电1000多次或时长一年以上,使用寿命堪比甚至超过了传统的锂离子电池。


New electrolyte crack lithium battery fire and explosion problems

Kailin Chemical News Japan researchers recently developed a more secure lithium-ion battery electrolyte, even in high temperature and other environments are not easy to burn or explode.

Lithium batteries are widely used in electric vehicles, cell phones and other electronic devices. However, the traditional lithium-ion batteries use extremely flammable organic electrolytes, posing a serious security risk.

Researchers from universities such as Tokyo University said in a new issue of the British journal Nature & Middot; that they developed a highly concentrated electrolyte containing flame retardant trimethyl phosphate . This electrolyte is not flammable, and can achieve high stability charge and discharge more than 1,000 times or more than one year, the service life of comparable or even more than the traditional lithium-ion battery.

The research team pointed out that this electrolyte can make lithium-ion battery operating voltage from the current 3.7 volts to 4.6 volts, will be suitable for electric vehicles and other high-energy density, high safety storage battery requirements, The research team will promote research with related enterprises.


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