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来源: 编辑: 人气:824 时间:2017-06-16

  凯茵化工讯 日本立邦控股(Nippon Paint HD)12月1日发布声明称,终止与美国大型涂料公司艾仕得涂料系统公司(Axalta Coating Systems)的收购谈判。




  此前,艾仕得从10月底到11月21日一直在与 全Q好大的涂料企业公司(Akzo Nobel)围绕经营合并推进谈判元。

Japan Nippon to abandon the acquisition of the United States Ashitas paint

凯恩 化工 News Nippon Paint HD said in a statement on December 1 that it has terminated its acquisition of Axalta Coating Systems, a major paint company in the United States.

Nippon Steel Holdings, which had previously sought to fully sub-tax Axial through TOB (public tender offer), has entered its final phase of negotiations, but the takeover may exceed ¥ 1 trillion. Nippon Holdings eventually gave up its acquisition because of the huge amount of money it must raise.

Nippon Holdings said it "decided to terminate the negotiations after careful discussion of the various situations facing both parties." Axalta said that "Libang Holdings said the acquisition does not meet expectations".

Earlier, Axalta has been pushing forward negotiations around the merger with Akzo Nobel, the world's largest paint company, from late October to November 21.


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