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来源: 编辑: 人气:896 时间:2014-06-20

  凯茵化工讯 记者8日从在重庆举行的中英石墨烯标准化合作工作组会议上获悉,中英两国正在石墨烯标准化研究领域展开合作,将共同提出石墨烯国际标准提案。




Sino-British cooperation in graphene international standards for next year's proposal

From the 8th meeting of the Sino-British Graphene Standardization Cooperation Working Group held in Chongqing, China and Britain are cooperating in the field of graphene standardization research and will jointly put forward proposals for graphene international standards. As a new material industry, Graphene urgently needs to lead the development of the industry through standard-setting and speed up the industrialization of graphene's scientific and technological achievements. With the direct participation of more than 30 research institutes and enterprises, China is developing 7 graphene national standards and actively participating in the formulation of relevant international standards.

In June 2017, the National Standards Commission and the British National Institute of Standardization signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Standardization of Graphene. At the same time, a Sino-British Graphene Standardization Cooperation Working Group was established. Experts from many relevant scientific research institutions and enterprises in both countries joined hands to establish a Sino- Participate in the development of international standards for graphene.

According to Tian Shihong, this meeting was the first working conference held since the establishment of the Sino-British Graphene Standardization Cooperation Working Group. China and Britain have decided on the cooperation and division of labor in such fields as graphene information and graphene testing. The two sides will jointly study graphene international standards, and strive to International Organization for Standardization next year, the proposed international standards.


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