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来源: 编辑: 人气:841 时间:2017-06-12





Liaoyang Petrochemical new additives industrialization trial success

Reporters learned on November 1 that Liaoyang Petrochemical Company independently developed LHY-02 type oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor and LHY-03 neutralizer. It succeeded in the commercialization of atmospheric and vacuum distillation units and provided a Anti-corrosion technical support.

Russia's crude oil refined by Liaoyang Petrochemical is a sulfur-containing crude oil, which is highly corrosive to the plant. In the past two years, with the continuous increase of processing volume, the corrosion of equipment and equipment has affected the stability and full of excellent operation.

In order to prevent the hydrogen sulfide and hydrochloric acid from being corroded in Russia's crude oil refining, Liaoyang Petrochemical concentrated scientific and technical personnel to develop corrosion inhibitors and neutralizers for the control device and equipment. Over the past year, science and technology personnel repeatedly adjust the formula, the laboratory performance evaluation test, the indicators of excellent performance, to use industrial installations. In July of this year, Liaoyang Petrochemical expanded its production tonne tonne at a chemical processing plant affiliated to Billion Fang Industrial Co., Ltd. and conducted an industrial trial in August at a refinery of 5.5 million tons / year. After three months of trial results showed that the two additives developed effective control device tri-head reflux tank water iron content per liter within 3 mg, pH control between 6.5 and 8.0, the performance and physical properties Indicators are to meet the device technology, product quality, safety and environmental requirements. LHY-02 type oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor and LHY-03-type neutralizer is Liaoyang Petrochemical following independent research and development of hydrocracking unit to obtain sustained-release after industrial application of self-developed two additives , Marking a major breakthrough in R & D of the company's series of petrochemical processing aids for crude oil processing in Russia.


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