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来源: 编辑: 人气:834 时间:2017-06-09

  凯茵化工讯 香港大学14日宣布,该校研究人员研发出崭新的防水及防油物料,能应用于衣物、厨具和军事等方面。在技术上,这一物料使得不洗衣服成为可能。





  有关研究文章已于《自然通讯》发表。目前,港大已经就这项研发申请了 ,预计未来2年至3年能应用在日常用品上。

Hong Kong developed waterproof and oil-proof materials do not wash clothes possible

Kailin Chemical News The University of Hong Kong announced on the 14th that its researchers have developed new water and oil-resistant materials that can be used in clothing, kitchenware and military applications. Technically, this material makes it possible to wash clothes.

The study was led by Professor Wang Liqiu, a professor of mechanical engineering at Hong Kong University School of Engineering. Researchers have created "waterproof and oil-repellent materials that are" interconnected to lyophobic structures, "as long as they cover the surface of textiles, metals, glass, etc., to achieve oil and water repellency.

Wang Liqiu said that at present most of the related products on the market can only be waterproof, less able to prevent oil. In addition, these products generally use chemical methods to achieve water-repellent effects, resulting in high costs and environmental pollution. This new material developed by the University of Hong Kong can be water-repellent and oil-repellent with purely physical methods.

Zhu Ping'an, a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Hong Kong University who participated in the study, said that the ideal high-performance waterproof and oil-repellent materials should meet the requirements of good water and oil repellency, durability, large area preparation and low cost. The incompatibility of waterproofing and toughness is a challenge for the research team. The design of the new material mimics the epidermal structure of the arthropod hopper in order to increase the strength and waterproofing ability of the material and effectively solve the contradiction between the incompatible waterproof capability and the toughness.

In addition, researchers in the development of materials to "droplet microfluidic" method to create "porous lyophobic surface", can create a large area of ​​material, and precise control of the surface of the material structure. According to reports, the lower cost of this manufacturing method, only 0.7 Hong Kong dollars per square meter to 1.3 Hong Kong dollars.

Related research articles have been published in Nature Newsletter. At present, HKU has applied for a patent on this research and development and it is estimated that it will be applied to daily necessities in the next two to three years.


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